Installing TurbuStat ==================== TurbuStat is currently only available from the `github repo `_. TurbuStat requires the follow packages: * astropy>=1.0 * numpy>=1.7 * matplotlib>=1.2 * scipy>=0.12 * sklearn>=0.13.0 * pandas>=0.13 * statsmodels>=0.4.0 The following packages are optional, but required for specific functions in TurbuStat: * `spectral-cube `_ - Efficient handling of PPV cubes. Required for calculating moment arrays in `turbustat.data_reduction.Mask_and_Moments` * `astrodendro-development `_ - Required for calculating dendrograms in `turbustat.statistics.dendrograms` * `emcee `_ - MCMC fitting in `~turbustat.statistics.PCA`. When using `turbustat.data_reduction.Mask_and_Moments`, the noise can be automatically estimated by installing two additional packages (**IN DEVELOPMENT**): * `signal-id `_ - Noise estimation in PPV cubes. * `radio_beam `_ - A class for handling radio beams and useful utilities. Used for noise estimation in signal-id To install the packages, clone the repository: :: >>> git clone # doctest: +SKIP Then install the package: :: >>> python install # doctest: +SKIP The script will install numpy and astropy if your python installation does not have them installed. Due to package conflicts, it will **NOT** install the rest of the dependencies! Until this can be fixed, you can check to see if you have all of the dependencies installed by running: :: >>> python check_deps # doctest: +SKIP If you find any issues in the installation, please make an `issue on github `_ or contact the developers at the email on `this page `_. Thank you!