Deriving Cube Moments

The `Mask_and_Moments`_ class returns moment arrays as well as their errors for use with 2D statistics in the package. Noise is estimated using signal_id. Moments are derived using spectral-cube and are able to handle massive datacubes.

Basic Use

Moments are easily returned in the expected form for the statistics:

from turbustat.data_reduction import Mask_and_Moments

mm = Mask_and_Moments("test.fits")
output_dict = mm.to_dict()

output_dict now contains the cube and moments along with their respective error maps. The moments can also be saved:


This will return a FITS file for each moment. Error maps are saved in the first extension.

Source Code


Mask_and_Moments(cube[, noise_type, clip, ...]) A unified approach to deriving the noise level in a cube, applying a mask, and deriving moments along with their errors.