
class turbustat.statistics.Wavelet(data, header=None, scales=None, num=50, distance=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: turbustat.statistics.base_statistic.BaseStatisticMixIn

Compute the wavelet transform of a 2D array.

array : numpy.ndarray or astropy.io.fits.PrimaryHDU or astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU or spectral_cube.Projection or spectral_cube.Slice

2D data.

header : FITS header, optional

Header for the array.

scales : numpy.ndarray or list

The scales where the transform is calculated.

num : int, optional

Number of scales to compute the transform at.

distance : Quantity, optional

Physical distance to the region in the data.

Attributes Summary

Wf The wavelet transforms of the image.
brk Break point in the segmented linear model.
brk_err 1-sigma on the break point in the segmented linear model.
fit_range Range of scales used in the fit.
scales Wavelet scales.
slope Fitted slope.
slope_err Standard error on the fitted slope.
stddev Standard deviation of the 1-dimensional wavelet transform.
values The 1-dimensional wavelet transform.

Methods Summary

compute_transform([show_progress, …]) Compute the wavelet transform at each scale.
fit_transform([xlow, xhigh, brk, …]) Perform a fit to the transform in log-log space.
fitted_model(xvals) Computes the fitted power-law in log-log space using the given x values.
input_data_header(data, header[, need_copy]) Check if the header is given separately from the data type.
load_beam([beam]) Try loading the beam from the header or a given object.
load_results(pickle_file) Load in a saved pickle file.
plot_transform([save_name, xunit, color, …]) Plot the transform and the fit.
run([show_progress, verbose, xunit, …]) Compute the Wavelet transform.
save_results(output_name[, keep_data]) Save the results of the SCF to avoid re-computing.

Attributes Documentation


The wavelet transforms of the image. Each plane is the transform at different wavelet sizes.


Break point in the segmented linear model.


1-sigma on the break point in the segmented linear model.


Range of scales used in the fit.

need_header_flag = True
no_data_flag = False

Wavelet scales.


Fitted slope.


Standard error on the fitted slope.


Standard deviation of the 1-dimensional wavelet transform.


The 1-dimensional wavelet transform.

Methods Documentation

compute_transform(show_progress=True, scale_normalization=True, keep_convolved_arrays=False, convolve_kwargs={}, use_pyfftw=False, threads=1, pyfftw_kwargs={})[source] [edit on github]

Compute the wavelet transform at each scale.

show_progress : bool, optional

Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix.

scale_normalization: bool, optional

Compute the transform with the correct scale-invariant normalization.

keep_convolved_arrays: bool, optional

Keep the image convolved at all wavelet scales. For large images, this can require a large amount memory. Default is False.

convolve_kwargs : dict, optional

Passed to convolve_fft.

use_pyfftw : bool, optional

Enable to use pyfftw, if it is installed.

threads : int, optional

Number of threads to use in FFT when using pyfftw.

pyfftw_kwargs : Passed to

See here for a list of accepted kwargs.

fit_transform(xlow=None, xhigh=None, brk=None, min_fits_pts=3, weighted_fit=False, bootstrap=False, bootstrap_kwargs={}, **fit_kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Perform a fit to the transform in log-log space.

xlow : Quantity, optional

Lower scale value to consider in the fit.

xhigh : Quantity, optional

Upper scale value to consider in the fit.

brk : Quantity, optional

Give an initial guess for a break point. This enables fitting with a turbustat.statistics.Lm_Seg.

min_fits_pts : int, optional

Minimum number of points required above or below the fitted break for it to be considered a valid fit. Only used when a segmented line is fit, i.e. when a value for brk is given.

weighted_fit: bool, optional

Use the stddev to perform a weighted fit.

bootstrap : bool, optional

Bootstrap using the model residuals to estimate the standard errors.

bootstrap_kwargs : dict, optional

Pass keyword arguments to residual_bootstrap.

fit_kwargs : Passed to turbustat.statistics.Lm_Seg.fit_model
fitted_model(xvals)[source] [edit on github]

Computes the fitted power-law in log-log space using the given x values.

xvals : ndarray

Values of log(lags) to compute the model at (base 10 log).

model_values : ndarray

Values of the model at the given values.

input_data_header(data, header, need_copy=False) [edit on github]

Check if the header is given separately from the data type.

load_beam(beam=None) [edit on github]

Try loading the beam from the header or a given object.

beam : Beam, optional

The beam.

static load_results(pickle_file) [edit on github]

Load in a saved pickle file.

pickle_file : str

Name of filename to load in.

self : Save statistic class

Statistic instance with saved results.


Load saved results. >>> stat = Statistic.load_results(“stat_saved.pkl”) # doctest: +SKIP

plot_transform(save_name=None, xunit=Unit("pix"), color='r', symbol='o', fit_color='k', label=None, show_residual=True)[source] [edit on github]

Plot the transform and the fit.

save_name : str, optional

Save name for the figure. Enables saving the plot.

xunit : Unit, optional

Choose the angular unit to convert to when ang_units is enabled.

color : {str, RGB tuple}, optional

Color to plot the wavelet curve.

symbol : str, optional

Symbol to use for the data.

fit_color : {str, RGB tuple}, optional

Color of the 1D fit.

label : str, optional

Label to later be used in a legend.

show_residual : bool, optional

Plot the fit residuals.

run(show_progress=True, verbose=False, xunit=Unit("pix"), convolve_kwargs={}, use_pyfftw=False, threads=1, pyfftw_kwargs={}, scale_normalization=True, xlow=None, xhigh=None, brk=None, fit_kwargs={}, save_name=None, **plot_kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Compute the Wavelet transform.

show_progress : bool, optional

Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix.

verbose : bool, optional

Plot wavelet transform.

xunit : u.Unit, optional

Choose the unit to convert to when ang_units is enabled.

convolve_kwargs : dict, optional

Passed to convolve_fft.

scale_normalization: bool, optional

Compute the transform with the correct scale-invariant normalization.

use_pyfftw : bool, optional

Enable to use pyfftw, if it is installed.

threads : int, optional

Number of threads to use in FFT when using pyfftw.

pyfftw_kwargs : Passed to

See here for a list of accepted kwargs.

scale_normalization: bool, optional

Multiply the wavelet transform by the correct normalization factor.

xlow : Quantity, optional

Lower scale value to consider in the fit.

xhigh : Quantity, optional

Upper scale value to consider in the fit.

brk : Quantity, optional

Give an initial guess for a break point. This enables fitting with a turbustat.statistics.Lm_Seg.

fit_kwargs : dict, optional

Passed to fit_transform

save_name : str,optional

Save the figure when a file name is given.

plot_kwargs : Passed to plot_transform.
save_results(output_name, keep_data=False) [edit on github]

Save the results of the SCF to avoid re-computing. The pickled file will not include the data cube by default.

output_name : str

Name of the outputted pickle file.

keep_data : bool, optional

Save the data cube in the pickle file when enabled.