Installing TurbuStatΒΆ

The newest release of TurbuStat is available on pip:

>>> pip install turbustat  

TurbuStat can also be installed from the github repository.

TurbuStat requires the follow packages:

  • astropy>=2.0
  • numpy>=1.7
  • matplotlib>=1.2
  • scipy>=0.12
  • sklearn>=0.13.0
  • statsmodels>=0.4.0
  • scikit-image>=0.12

The following packages are optional when installing TurbuStat and are required only for specific functions in TurbuStat:

  • spectral-cube (>v0.4.4) - Efficient handling of PPV cubes. Required for calculating moment arrays in turbustat.data_reduction.Moments.
  • radio_beam - A class for handling radio beams and useful utilities. Required for correcting for the beam shape in spatial power spectra. Automatically installed with spectral-cube.
  • astrodendro-development - Required for calculating dendrograms in turbustat.statistics.dendrograms
  • emcee - MCMC fitting in PCA and PDF.
  • pyfftw - Wrapper for the FFTW libraries. Allows FFTs to be run in parallel.
To install TurbuStat, clone the repository::
>>> git clone # doctest: +SKIP
Change into the TurbuStat directory and run the following to install TurbuStat::
>>> python install # doctest: +SKIP

If you find any issues in the installation, please make an issue on github or contact the developers at the email on this page. Thank you!

To run the testing suite::
>>> MPLBACKEND='agg' python test  # doctest: +SKIP

The matplotlib backend needs to be set to avoid having interactive plots pop up during the tests.