Source code for turbustat.statistics.mvc.mvc

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from numpy.fft import fft2, fftshift

from ..psds import pspec

[docs]class MVC(object): """ Implementation of Modified Velocity Centroids (Lazarian & Esquivel, 03) Parameters ---------- centroid : numpy.ndarray Normalized first moment array. moment0 : numpy.ndarray Moment 0 array. linewidth : numpy.ndarray Normalized second moment array header : FITS header Header of any of the arrays. Used only to get the spatial scale. """ def __init__(self, centroid, moment0, linewidth, header): self.centroid = centroid self.moment0 = moment0 self.linewidth = linewidth # Get rid of nans. self.centroid[np.isnan(self.centroid)] = np.nanmin(self.centroid) self.moment0[np.isnan(self.moment0)] = np.nanmin(self.moment0) self.linewidth[np.isnan(self.linewidth)] = np.nanmin(self.linewidth) self.degperpix = np.abs(header["CDELT2"]) assert self.centroid.shape == self.moment0.shape assert self.centroid.shape == self.linewidth.shape self.shape = self.centroid.shape self.ps2D = None self.ps1D = None self.freq = None
[docs] def compute_pspec(self): ''' Compute the 2D power spectrum. The quantity calculated here is the same as Equation 3 in Lazarian & Esquivel (2003), but the inputted arrays are not in the same form as described. We can, however, adjust for the use of normalized Centroids and the linewidth. An unnormalized centroid can be constructed by multiplying the centroid array by the moment0. Velocity dispersion is the square of the linewidth subtracted by the square of the normalized centroid. ''' term1 = fft2(self.centroid*self.moment0) term2 = np.power(self.linewidth, 2) + np.power(self.centroid, 2) mvc_fft = term1 - term2 * fft2(self.moment0) # Shift to the center mvc_fft = fftshift(mvc_fft) self.ps2D = np.abs(mvc_fft) ** 2. return self
[docs] def compute_radial_pspec(self, return_index=True, wavenumber=False, return_stddev=False, azbins=1, binsize=1.0, view=False, **kwargs): ''' Computes the radially averaged power spectrum. This uses Adam Ginsburg's code (see See the above url for parameter explanations. ''' self.freq, self.ps1D = pspec(self.ps2D, return_index=return_index, wavenumber=wavenumber, return_stddev=return_stddev, azbins=azbins, binsize=binsize, view=view, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def run(self, phys_units=False, verbose=False): ''' Full computation of MVC. Parameters ---------- phys_units : bool, optional Sets frequency scale to physical units. verbose: bool, optional Enables plotting. ''' self.compute_pspec() self.compute_radial_pspec(logspacing=True) if phys_units: self.freqs *= self.degperpix ** -1 if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.subplot(121) p.imshow( np.log10(self.ps2D), origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") p.colorbar() p.subplot(122) p.loglog(self.freq, self.ps1D, "bD-") return self
[docs]class MVC_distance(object): """ Distance metric for MVC and wrapper for whole analysis Parameters ---------- data1 : dict dictionary containing necessary property arrays data2 : dict dictionary containing necessary property arrays fiducial_model : MVC Computed MVC object. use to avoid recomputing. """ def __init__(self, data1, data2, fiducial_model=None): # super(mvc_distance, self).__init__() self.shape1 = data1["centroid"][0].shape self.shape2 = data2["centroid"][0].shape if fiducial_model is not None: self.mvc1 = fiducial_model else: self.mvc1 = MVC(data1["centroid"][0] * data1["centroid_error"][0] ** -2., data1["moment0"][0] * data1["moment0_error"][0] ** -2., data1["linewidth"][0] * data1["linewidth_error"][0] ** -2., data1["centroid"][1]) self.mvc2 = MVC(data2["centroid"][0] * data2["centroid_error"][0] ** -2., data2["moment0"][0] * data2["moment0_error"][0] ** -2., data2["linewidth"][0] * data2["linewidth_error"][0] ** -2., data2["centroid"][1]) self.results = None self.distance = None
[docs] def distance_metric(self, low_cut=2.0, high_cut=64.0, verbose=False): ''' Implements the distance metric for 2 MVC transforms. We fit the linear portion of the transform to represent the powerlaw A linear model with an interaction term is fit to the two powerlaws. The distance is the t-statistic of the interaction. Parameters ---------- low_cut : int or float, optional Set the cut-off for low spatial frequencies. Visually, below ~2 deviates from the power law (for the simulation set). high_cut : int or float, optional Set the cut-off for high spatial frequencies. Values beyond the size of the root grid are found to have no meaningful contribution verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. ''' clip_freq1 = \ self.mvc1.freq[clip_func(self.mvc1.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] clip_ps1D1 = \ self.mvc1.ps1D[clip_func(self.mvc1.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] clip_freq2 = \ self.mvc2.freq[clip_func(self.mvc2.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] clip_ps1D2 = \ self.mvc2.ps1D[clip_func(self.mvc2.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] dummy = [0] * len(clip_freq1) + [1] * len(clip_freq2) x = np.concatenate((np.log10(clip_freq1), np.log10(clip_freq2))) regressor = x.T * dummy log_ps1D = np.concatenate((np.log10(clip_ps1D1), np.log10(clip_ps1D2))) d = {"dummy": Series(dummy), "scales": Series( x), "log_ps1D": Series(log_ps1D), "regressor": Series(regressor)} df = DataFrame(d) model = sm.ols( formula="log_ps1D ~ dummy + scales + regressor", data=df) self.results = self.distance = np.abs(self.results.tvalues["regressor"]) if verbose: print self.results.summary() import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.plot(np.log10(clip_freq1), np.log10(clip_ps1D1), "bD", np.log10(clip_freq2), np.log10(clip_ps1D2), "gD") p.plot(df["scales"][:len(clip_freq1)], self.results.fittedvalues[:len(clip_freq1)], "b", df["scales"][-len(clip_freq2):], self.results.fittedvalues[-len(clip_freq2):], "g") p.grid(True) p.xlabel("log K") p.ylabel("MVC Power (K)") return self
def clip_func(arr, low, high): return np.logical_and(arr > low, arr < high)