Source code for turbustat.statistics.pspec_bispec.pspec_bispec

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as ra
from ..psds import pspec
from ..rfft_to_fft import rfft_to_fft
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from numpy.fft import fft2, fftshift

[docs]class PowerSpectrum(object): """ Compute the power spectrum of a given image. (Burkhart et al., 2010) Parameters ---------- img : numpy.ndarray 2D image. header : FITS header The image header. Needed for the pixel scale. """ def __init__(self, img, header, weights=None): super(PowerSpectrum, self).__init__() self.img = img # Get rid of nans self.img[np.isnan(self.img)] = 0.0 self.header = header self.degperpix = np.abs(header["CDELT2"]) if weights is None: weights = np.ones(img.shape) else: # Get rid of all NaNs weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 0.0 weights[np.isnan(self.img)] = 0.0 self.img[np.isnan(self.img)] = 0.0 self.weighted_img = self.img * weights self.ps2D = None self.ps1D = None self.freq = None
[docs] def compute_pspec(self): ''' Compute the 2D power spectrum. ''' fft = fftshift(rfft_to_fft(self.weighted_img)) self.ps2D = np.power(fft, 2.) return self
[docs] def compute_radial_pspec(self, return_index=True, wavenumber=False, return_stddev=False, azbins=1, binsize=1.0, view=False, **kwargs): ''' Computes the radially averaged power spectrum. This uses Adam Ginsburg's code (see See the above url for parameter explanations. ''' self.freq, self.ps1D = pspec(self.ps2D, return_index=return_index, wavenumber=wavenumber, return_stddev=return_stddev, azbins=azbins, binsize=binsize, view=view, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def run(self, phys_units=False, verbose=False): ''' Full computation of the Spatial Power Spectrum. Parameters ---------- phys_units : bool, optional Sets frequency scale to physical units. verbose: bool, optional Enables plotting. ''' self.compute_pspec() self.compute_radial_pspec(logspacing=True) if phys_units: self.freq *= self.degperpix ** -1 if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.subplot(121) p.imshow( np.log10(self.ps2D), origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") p.colorbar() p.subplot(122) p.loglog(self.freq, self.ps1D, "bD") p.xlabel("log K") p.ylabel("Power (K)") return self
[docs]class PSpec_Distance(object): """ Distance metric for the spatial power spectrum. A linear model with an interaction term is fit to the powerlaws. The distance is the t-statistic of the interaction term. Parameters ---------- data1 : dict Dictionary containing necessary property arrays. data2 : dict Dictionary containing necessary property arrays. fiducial_model : PowerSpectrum Computed PowerSpectrum object. use to avoid recomputing. """ def __init__(self, data1, data2, weights1=None, weights2=None, fiducial_model=None): super(PSpec_Distance, self).__init__() self.shape1 = data1[0].shape self.shape2 = data2[0].shape if fiducial_model is None: self.pspec1 = PowerSpectrum(data1[0], data1[1], weights=weights1) else: self.pspec1 = fiducial_model self.pspec2 = PowerSpectrum(data2[0], data2[1], weights=weights2) self.results = None self.distance = None
[docs] def distance_metric(self, low_cut=2.0, high_cut=64.0, verbose=False): ''' Implements the distance metric for 2 Power Spectrum transforms. We fit the linear portion of the transform to represent the powerlaw A linear model with an interaction term is fit to the two powerlaws. The distance is the t-statistic of the interaction. Parameters ---------- low_cut : int or float, optional Set the cut-off for low spatial frequencies. Visually, below ~2 deviates from the power law (for the simulation set). high_cut : int or float, optional Set the cut-off for high spatial frequencies. Values beyond the size of the root grid are found to have no meaningful contribution verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. ''' clip_freq1 = \ self.pspec1.freq[clip_func(self.pspec1.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] clip_ps1D1 = \ self.pspec1.ps1D[clip_func(self.pspec1.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] clip_freq2 = \ self.pspec2.freq[clip_func(self.pspec2.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] clip_ps1D2 = \ self.pspec2.ps1D[clip_func(self.pspec2.freq, low_cut, high_cut)] dummy = [0] * len(clip_freq1) + [1] * len(clip_freq2) x = np.concatenate((np.log10(clip_freq1), np.log10(clip_freq2))) regressor = x.T * dummy log_ps1D = np.concatenate((np.log10(clip_ps1D1), np.log10(clip_ps1D2))) d = {"dummy": Series(dummy), "scales": Series( x), "log_ps1D": Series(log_ps1D), "regressor": Series(regressor)} df = DataFrame(d) model = sm.ols( formula="log_ps1D ~ dummy + scales + regressor", data=df) self.results = self.distance = np.abs(self.results.tvalues["regressor"]) if verbose: print self.results.summary() import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.plot(np.log10(clip_freq1), np.log10(clip_ps1D1), "bD", np.log10(clip_freq2), np.log10(clip_ps1D2), "gD") p.plot(df["scales"][:len(clip_freq1)], self.results.fittedvalues[:len(clip_freq1)], "b", df["scales"][-len(clip_freq2):], self.results.fittedvalues[-len(clip_freq2):], "g") p.grid(True) p.xlabel("log K") p.ylabel("Power (K)") return self
[docs]class BiSpectrum(object): """ Computes the bispectrum (three-point correlation function) of the given image (Burkhart et al., 2010). The bispectrum and the bicoherence are returned. The bicoherence is a normalized version (real and to unity) of the bispectrum. Parameters ---------- img : numpy.ndarray 2D image. """ def __init__(self, img): super(BiSpectrum, self).__init__() self.img = img self.shape = img.shape # Set nans to min self.img[np.isnan(self.img)] = np.nanmin(self.img) self.kx = np.arange(0., self.shape[0] / 2., 1) = np.arange(0., self.shape[1] / 2., 1) self.bispectrum = np.zeros( (int(self.shape[0] / 2.) - 1, int(self.shape[1] / 2.) - 1), dtype=np.complex) self.bicoherence = np.zeros( (int(self.shape[0] / 2.) - 1, int(self.shape[1] / 2.) - 1)) self.bispectrum_amp = None self.accumulator = np.zeros( (int(self.shape[0] / 2.) - 1, int(self.shape[1] / 2.) - 1)) self.tracker = np.zeros(self.shape)
[docs] def compute_bispectrum(self, nsamples=100, seed=1000): ''' Do the computation. Parameters ---------- nsamples : int, optional Sets the number of samples to take at each vector magnitude. seed : int, optional Sets the seed for the distribution draws. ''' fft = np.fft.fft2(self.img) conjfft = np.conj(fft) ra.seed(seed) for k1mag in range(int(fft.shape[0] / 2.)): for k2mag in range(int(fft.shape[1] / 2.)): phi1 = ra.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, nsamples) phi2 = ra.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, nsamples) k1x = np.asarray([int(k1mag * np.cos(angle)) for angle in phi1]) k2x = np.asarray([int(k2mag * np.cos(angle)) for angle in phi2]) k1y = np.asarray([int(k1mag * np.sin(angle)) for angle in phi1]) k2y = np.asarray([int(k2mag * np.sin(angle)) for angle in phi2]) k3x = k1x + k2x k3y = k1y + k2y x = np.asarray([int(np.sqrt(i ** 2. + j ** 2.)) for i, j in zip(k1x, k1y)]) y = np.asarray([int(np.sqrt(i ** 2. + j ** 2.)) for i, j in zip(k2x, k2y)]) for n in range(nsamples): self.bispectrum[x[n], y[n]] +=\ fft[k1x[n], k1y[n]] *\ fft[k2x[n], k2y[n]] *\ conjfft[k3x[n], k3y[n]] self.bicoherence[x[n], y[n]] +=\ np.abs(fft[k1x[n], k1y[n]] * fft[k2x[n], k2y[n]] * conjfft[k3x[n], k3y[n]]) self.accumulator[x[n], y[n]] += 1. # Track where we're sampling from in fourier space self.tracker[k1x[n], k1y[n]] += 1 self.tracker[k2x[n], k2y[n]] += 1 self.tracker[k3x[n], k3y[n]] += 1 self.bicoherence = (np.abs(self.bispectrum) / self.bicoherence) self.bispectrum /= self.accumulator self.bispectrum_amp = np.log10(np.abs(self.bispectrum) ** 2.) return self
[docs] def run(self, nsamples=100, verbose=False): ''' Compute the bispectrum. Necessary to maintiain package standards. Parameters ---------- nsamples : int, optional Sets the number of samples to take at each vector magnitude. verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. ''' self.compute_bispectrum(nsamples=nsamples) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.subplot(1, 2, 1) p.title("Bispectrum") p.imshow( self.bispectrum_amp, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") p.colorbar() p.contour(self.bispectrum_amp, colors="k") p.xlabel("k1") p.ylabel("k2") p.subplot(1, 2, 2) p.title("Bicoherence") p.imshow(self.bicoherence, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") p.colorbar() p.xlabel("k1") p.ylabel("k2")
[docs]class BiSpectrum_Distance(object): ''' Calculate the distance between two images based on their bicoherence. The distance is the L2 norm between the bicoherence surfaces. Parameters ---------- data1 : FITS hdu Contains the data and header of the image. data2 : FITS hdu Contains the data and header of the image. nsamples : int, optional Sets the number of samples to take at each vector magnitude. fiducial_model : Bispectrum Computed Bispectrum object. use to avoid recomputing. ''' def __init__(self, data1, data2, nsamples=100, fiducial_model=None): super(BiSpectrum_Distance, self).__init__() if fiducial_model is not None: self.bispec1 = fiducial_model else: self.bispec1 = BiSpectrum(data1[0]) self.bispec2 = BiSpectrum(data2[0]) self.distance = None
[docs] def distance_metric(self, verbose=False): self.distance = np.linalg.norm(self.bispec1.bicoherence.ravel() - self.bispec2.bicoherence.ravel()) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.subplot(1, 3, 1) p.title("Bicoherence 1") p.imshow( self.bispec1.bicoherence, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") p.colorbar() p.xlabel("k1") p.ylabel("k2") p.subplot(1, 3, 2) p.title("Bicoherence 2") p.imshow( self.bispec2.bicoherence, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") p.colorbar() p.xlabel("k1") p.ylabel("k2") p.subplot(1, 3, 3) p.title("Difference") p.imshow(np.abs(self.bispec1.bicoherence - self.bispec2.bicoherence), origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", vmax=1.0, vmin=0.0) p.colorbar() p.xlabel("k1") p.ylabel("k2") return self
def clip_func(arr, low, high): return np.logical_and(arr > low, arr < high)