Source code for turbustat.statistics.vca_vcs.vca_vcs

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
import warnings
from numpy.fft import fftfreq, fftshift

from ..lm_seg import Lm_Seg
from ..psds import pspec
from ..rfft_to_fft import rfft_to_fft
from slice_thickness import change_slice_thickness

[docs]class VCA(object): ''' The VCA technique (Lazarian & Pogosyan, 2004). Parameters ---------- cube : numpy.ndarray Data cube. header : FITS header Corresponding FITS header. slice_sizes : float or int, optional Slices to degrade the cube to. phys_units : bool, optional Sets whether physical scales can be used. ''' def __init__(self, cube, header, slice_size=None, phys_units=False): super(VCA, self).__init__() self.cube = cube.astype("float64") if np.isnan(self.cube).any(): self.cube[np.isnan(self.cube)] = 0 # Feel like this should be more specific self.good_channel_count = np.sum(self.cube.max(axis=0) != 0) self.header = header self.shape = self.cube.shape if slice_size is None: self.slice_size = 1.0 if slice_size != 1.0: self.cube = \ change_slice_thickness(self.cube.copy(), slice_thickness=self.slice_size) self.phys_units_flag = False if phys_units: self.phys_units_flag = True
[docs] def compute_pspec(self): ''' Compute the 2D power spectrum. ''' vca_fft = fftshift(rfft_to_fft(self.cube)) self.ps2D = np.power(vca_fft, 2.).sum(axis=0) return self
[docs] def compute_radial_pspec(self, return_index=True, wavenumber=False, return_stddev=False, azbins=1, binsize=1.0, view=False, **kwargs): ''' Computes the radially averaged power spectrum This uses Adam Ginsburg's code (see See the above url for parameter explanations. ''' self.freqs, self.ps1D = \ pspec(self.ps2D, return_index=return_index, wavenumber=wavenumber, return_stddev=return_stddev, azbins=azbins, binsize=binsize, view=view, **kwargs) if self.phys_units_flag: self.freqs *= np.abs(self.header["CDELT2"]) ** -1. return self
[docs] def fit_pspec(self, brk=None, log_break=True, low_cut=np.sqrt(2), min_fits_pts=10, verbose=False): ''' Fit the 1D Power spectrum using a segmented linear model. Note that the current implementation allows for only 1 break point in the model. If the break point is estimated via a spline, the breaks are tested, starting from the largest, until the model finds a good fit. Parameters ---------- brk : float or None, optional Guesses for the break points. If given as a list, the length of the list sets the number of break points to be fit. If a choice is outside of the allowed range from the data, Lm_Seg will raise an error. If None, a spline is used to estimate the breaks. log_break : bool, optional Sets whether the provided break estimates are log-ed values. lg_scale_cut : int, optional Cuts off largest scales, which deviate from the powerlaw. min_fits_pts : int, optional Sets the minimum number of points needed to fit. If not met, the break found is rejected. verbose : bool, optional Enables verbose mode in Lm_Seg. ''' # Make the data to fit to self.low_cut = low_cut x = np.log10(self.freqs[self.freqs > low_cut]) y = np.log10(self.ps1D[self.freqs > low_cut]) if brk is not None: # Try the fit with a break in it. if not log_break: brk = np.log10(brk) brk_fit = \ Lm_Seg(x, y, brk) brk_fit.fit_model(verbose=verbose) if brk_fit.params.size == 5: # Check to make sure this leaves enough to fit to. if sum(x < brk_fit.brk) < min_fits_pts: warnings.warn("Not enough points to fit to."+ " Ignoring break.") self.high_cut = self.freqs.max() else: x = x[x < brk_fit.brk] y = y[x < brk_fit.brk] self.high_cut = 10**brk_fit.brk else: self.high_cut = self.freqs.max() # Break fit failed, revert to normal model warnings.warn("Model with break failed, reverting to model\ without break.") else: self.high_cut = self.freqs.max() x = sm.add_constant(x) model = sm.OLS(y, x) = self._slope =[1] cov_matrix = self._slope_err = np.sqrt(cov_matrix[1, 1]) return self
@property def slope(self): return self._slope @property def slope_err(self): return self._slope_err
[docs] def plot_fit(self, show=True, show_2D=False, color='r', label=None): ''' Plot the fitted model. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as p if self.phys_units_flag: xlab = r"log K" else: xlab = r"K (pixel$^{-1}$)" # 2D Spectrum is shown alongside 1D. Otherwise only 1D is returned. if show_2D: p.subplot(122) p.imshow(np.log10(self.ps2D), interpolation="nearest", origin="lower") p.colorbar() p.subplot(121) good_interval = np.logical_and(self.freqs > self.low_cut, self.freqs <= self.high_cut) p.loglog(self.freqs[good_interval], self.ps1D[good_interval], color+"D", alpha=0.5) y_fit = p.loglog(self.freqs[good_interval], 10**y_fit, color+'-', label=label, linewidth=2) p.xlabel(xlab) p.ylabel(r"P$_2(K)$") p.grid(True) if show:
[docs] def run(self, verbose=False, brk=None, **kwargs): ''' Full computation of VCA. Parameters ---------- verbose: bool, optional Enables plotting. kwargs : passed to pspec. ''' self.compute_pspec() self.compute_radial_pspec(**kwargs) self.fit_pspec(brk=brk) if verbose: print self.plot_fit(show=True, show_2D=True) return self
[docs]class VCS(object): ''' The VCS technique (Lazarian & Pogosyan, 2004). Parameters ---------- cube : numpy.ndarray Data cube. header : FITS header Corresponding FITS header. phys_units : bool, optional Sets whether physical scales can be used. ''' def __init__(self, cube, header, phys_units=False): super(VCS, self).__init__() self.header = header self.cube = cube self.fftcube = None self.correlated_cube = None self.ps1D = None self.phys_units = phys_units if np.isnan(self.cube).any(): self.cube[np.isnan(self.cube)] = 0 # Feel like this should be more specific self.good_pixel_count = np.sum(self.cube.max(axis=0) != 0) else: self.good_pixel_count = float( self.cube.shape[1] * self.cube.shape[2]) # Lazy check to make sure we have units of km/s if np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) > 1: self.vel_to_pix = np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) / 1000. else: self.vel_to_pix = np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) self.vel_channels = np.arange(1, self.cube.shape[0], 1) if self.phys_units: self.vel_freqs = np.abs( fftfreq(self.cube.shape[0])) / self.vel_to_pix else: self.vel_freqs = np.abs(fftfreq(self.cube.shape[0]))
[docs] def compute_fft(self): ''' Take the FFT of each spectrum in velocity dimension. ''' self.fftcube = rfft_to_fft(self.cube) self.correlated_cube = np.power(self.fftcube, 2.) return self
[docs] def make_ps1D(self): ''' Create a 1D power spectrum by averaging the correlation cube over all pixels. ''' self.ps1D = np.nansum( np.nansum(self.correlated_cube, axis=2), axis=1) /\ self.good_pixel_count return self
[docs] def fit_pspec(self, breaks=None, log_break=True, lg_scale_cut=2, verbose=False): ''' Fit the 1D Power spectrum using a segmented linear model. Note that the current implementation allows for only 1 break point in the model. If the break point is estimated via a spline, the breaks are tested, starting from the largest, until the model finds a good fit. Parameters ---------- breaks : float or None, optional Guesses for the break points. If given as a list, the length of the list sets the number of break points to be fit. If a choice is outside of the allowed range from the data, Lm_Seg will raise an error. If None, a spline is used to estimate the breaks. log_break : bool, optional Sets whether the provided break estimates are log-ed values. lg_scale_cut : int, optional Cuts off largest scales, which deviate from the powerlaw. verbose : bool, optional Enables verbose mode in Lm_Seg. ''' if breaks is None: from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline # Need to order the points shape = self.vel_freqs.size spline_y = np.log10(self.ps1D[1:shape/2]) spline_x = np.log10(self.vel_freqs[1:shape/2]) spline = UnivariateSpline(spline_x, spline_y, k=1, s=1) # The first and last are just the min and max of x breaks = spline.get_knots()[1:-1] if verbose: print "Breaks found from spline are: " + str(breaks) # Take the number according to max_breaks starting at the # largest x. breaks = breaks[::-1] x = np.log10(self.vel_freqs[lg_scale_cut+1:-lg_scale_cut]) y = np.log10(self.ps1D[lg_scale_cut+1:-lg_scale_cut]) # Now try these breaks until a good fit including the break is # found. If none are found, it accept that there wasn't a good # break and continues on. i = 0 while True: = \ Lm_Seg(x, y, breaks[i]) if == 5: break i += 1 if i >= breaks.shape: warnings.warn("No good break point found. Returned fit\ does not include a break!") break return self if not log_break: breaks = np.log10(breaks) = \ Lm_Seg(np.log10(self.vel_freqs[lg_scale_cut+1:-lg_scale_cut]), np.log10(self.ps1D[lg_scale_cut+1:-lg_scale_cut]), breaks) return self
@property def slopes(self): return @property def slope_errs(self): return @property def brk(self): return @property def brk_err(self): return
[docs] def run(self, verbose=False, breaks=None): ''' Run the entire computation. Parameters ---------- verbose: bool, optional Enables plotting. breaks : float, optional Specify where the break point is. If None, attempts to find using spline. ''' self.compute_fft() self.make_ps1D() self.fit_pspec(verbose=verbose, breaks=breaks) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p if self.phys_units: xlab = r"log k$_v$ $(km^{-1}s)$" else: xlab = r"log k (pixel$^{-1}$)" p.loglog(self.vel_freqs, self.ps1D, "bD", label='Data') p.loglog(10**, 10**, 'r', label='Fit', linewidth=2) p.xlabel(xlab) p.ylabel(r"log P$_{1}$(k$_{v}$)") p.grid(True) p.legend(loc='best') return self
[docs]class VCA_Distance(object): ''' Calculate the distance between two cubes using VCA. The 1D power spectrum is modeled by a linear model. The distance is the t-statistic of the interaction between the two slopes. Parameters ---------- cube1 : FITS hdu Data cube. cube2 : FITS hdu Data cube. slice_size : float, optional Slice to degrade the cube to. breaks : float, list or array, optional Specify where the break point is. If None, attempts to find using spline. If not specified, no break point will be used. fiducial_model : VCA Computed VCA object. use to avoid recomputing. ''' def __init__(self, cube1, cube2, slice_size=1.0, breaks=None, fiducial_model=None): super(VCA_Distance, self).__init__() cube1, header1 = cube1 cube2, header2 = cube2 self.shape1 = cube1.shape[1:] # Shape of the plane self.shape2 = cube2.shape[1:] assert isinstance(slice_size, float) if not isinstance(breaks, list) or not isinstance(breaks, np.ndarray): breaks = [breaks] * 2 if fiducial_model is not None: self.vca1 = fiducial_model else: self.vca1 = \ VCA(cube1, header1, slice_size=slice_size).run(brk=breaks[0]) self.vca2 = \ VCA(cube2, header2, slice_size=slice_size).run(brk=breaks[1])
[docs] def distance_metric(self, labels=None, verbose=False): ''' Implements the distance metric for 2 VCA transforms, each with the same channel width. We fit the linear portion of the transform to represent the powerlaw. Parameters ---------- labels : list, optional Contains names of datacubes given in order. verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. ''' # Construct t-statistic self.distance = \ np.abs((self.vca1.slope - self.vca2.slope) / np.sqrt(self.vca1.slope_err**2 + self.vca2.slope_err**2)) if verbose: if labels is None: labels = ['1', '2'] print "Fit to %s" % (labels[0]) print print "Fit to %s" % (labels[1]) print import matplotlib.pyplot as p self.vca1.plot_fit(show=False, color='b', label=labels[0]) self.vca2.plot_fit(show=False, color='r', label=labels[1]) p.legend(loc='best') return self
[docs]class VCS_Distance(object): ''' Calculate the distance between two cubes using VCS. The 1D power spectrum is modeled by a broked linear model to account for the density and velocity dominated scales. The distance is the sum of the t-statistics for each model. Parameters ---------- cube1 : FITS hdu Data cube. cube2 : FITS hdu Data cube. slice_size : float, optional Slice to degrade the cube to. breaks : float, list or array, optional Specify where the break point is. If None, attempts to find using spline. fiducial_model : VCS Computed VCS object. use to avoid recomputing. ''' def __init__(self, cube1, cube2, breaks=None, fiducial_model=None): super(VCS_Distance, self).__init__() self.cube1, self.header1 = cube1 self.cube2, self.header2 = cube2 if not isinstance(breaks, list) or not isinstance(breaks, np.ndarray): breaks = [breaks] * 2 if fiducial_model is not None: self.vcs1 = fiducial_model else: self.vcs1 = VCS(self.cube1, self.header1).run(breaks=breaks[0]) self.vcs2 = VCS(self.cube2, self.header2).run(breaks=breaks[1])
[docs] def distance_metric(self, verbose=False): ''' Implements the distance metric for 2 VCS transforms. This distance is the t-statistic of the difference in the slopes. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. ''' # Now construct the t-statistics for each portion # There should always be the velocity distance self.velocity_distance = \ np.abs((self.vcs1.slopes[0] - self.vcs2.slopes[0]) / np.sqrt(self.vcs1.slope_errs[0]**2 + self.vcs2.slope_errs[0]**2)) # A density distance is only found if a break was found if self.vcs1.slopes.size == 1 or self.vcs2.slopes.size == 1: self.density_distance = np.NaN self.break_distance = np.NaN else: self.density_distance = \ np.abs((self.vcs1.slopes[1] - self.vcs2.slopes[1]) / np.sqrt(self.vcs1.slope_errs[1]**2 + self.vcs2.slope_errs[1]**2)) self.break_distance = \ np.abs((self.vcs1.brk - self.vcs2.brk) / np.sqrt(self.vcs1.brk_err**2 + self.vcs2.brk_err**2)) # The overall distance is the sum from the two models self.distance = \ np.nansum([self.velocity_distance, self.density_distance]) if verbose: print "Fit 1" print print "Fit 2" print import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.plot(,, 'bD', alpha=0.3) p.plot(,, 'g', label='Fit 1') p.plot(,, 'mD', alpha=0.3) p.plot(,, 'r', label='Fit 2') p.grid(True) p.legend() p.xlabel(r"log k$_v$") p.ylabel(r"$P_{1}(k_v)$") return self