
turbustat.analysis.comparison_plot(path, num_fids=5, verbose=False, obs_to_fid=False, obs_to_fid_shade=True, legend=True, legend_labels=None, statistics=['Wavelet', 'MVC', 'PSpec', 'Bispectrum', 'DeltaVariance', 'Genus', 'VCS', 'VCA', 'Tsallis', 'PCA', 'SCF', 'Cramer', 'Skewness', 'Kurtosis', 'VCS_Density', 'VCS_Velocity', 'PDF_Hellinger', 'PDF_KS', 'PDF_AD', 'Dendrogram_Hist', 'Dendrogram_Num'], comparisons=['0_0', '0_1', '0_2', '1_0', '1_1', '1_2', '2_0', '2_1', '2_2', '0_obs', '1_obs', '2_obs'], out_path=None, design_matrix=None, sharey=True, obs_legend=False)[source] [edit on github]

Requires results converted into csv form!!

This function plots a comparison of the distances between the different simulations and the fiducial runs. All face combinations are checked for in the given path. The plots adjust to the available amount of data.


path : str

Path to folder containing the HDF5 files with the distance results.

analysis_fcn : function, optional

Function to apply to the time-step data.

verbose : bool, optional

Enables plotting.

obs_to_fid : bool, optional

Include observational to fiducial distances in the distance subplots.

obs_to_fid_shade : bool, optional

Plots the observational distances as a single band instead of by fiducial.

legend : bool, optional

Toggle having a legend.

legend_labels : list, optional

Provide a list of labels to be used in the legend in lieu of “Fiducial #”. Length must match the number of fiducials!

statistics : list, optional

Statistics to plot. Default is all.

comparisons : list, optional

The face comparisons to include in the plots. The order is set here as well.

design_matrix : str or pandas.DataFrame, optional

The experimental design, which is used for the distances. If a string, is given, it is assumed that it’s the path to the saved csv file. When given, the labels of the plots will be coded in ‘binary’ according to the levels in the design.

sharey : bool, optional

When enabled, each subplot has the same y limits.

obs_legend : bool, optional

Turn on legend for the observational comparisons. When disabled, labels are plotted over the shaded region.