Source code for turbustat.statistics.base_pspec2

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
import warnings
import astropy.units as u

from .lm_seg import Lm_Seg
from .psds import pspec
from .fitting_utils import clip_func

[docs]class StatisticBase_PSpec2D(object): """ Common features shared by 2D power spectrum methods. """ @property def ps2D(self): ''' Two-dimensional power spectrum. ''' return self._ps2D @property def ps1D(self): ''' One-dimensional power spectrum. ''' return self._ps1D @property def ps1D_stddev(self): ''' 1-sigma standard deviation of the 1D power spectrum. ''' if not self._stddev_flag: Warning("ps1D_stddev is only calculated when return_stddev" " is enabled.") return self._ps1D_stddev @property def freqs(self): ''' Corresponding spatial frequencies of the 1D power spectrum. ''' return self._freqs @property def wavenumbers(self): return self._freqs * min(self._ps2D.shape) def compute_radial_pspec(self, return_stddev=True, logspacing=True, max_bin=None, **kwargs): ''' Computes the radially averaged power spectrum. Parameters ---------- return_stddev : bool, optional Return the standard deviation in the 1D bins. logspacing : bool, optional Return logarithmically spaced bins for the lags. max_bin : float, optional Maximum spatial frequency to bin values at. kwargs : passed to `~turbustat.statistics.psds.pspec`. ''' if return_stddev: self._freqs, self._ps1D, self._ps1D_stddev = \ pspec(self.ps2D, return_stddev=return_stddev, logspacing=logspacing, max_bin=max_bin, **kwargs) self._stddev_flag = True else: self._freqs, self._ps1D = \ pspec(self.ps2D, return_stddev=return_stddev, max_bin=max_bin, **kwargs) self._stddev_flag = False # Attach units to freqs self._freqs = self.freqs / u.pix def fit_pspec(self, brk=None, log_break=True, low_cut=None, high_cut=None, min_fits_pts=10, verbose=False, large_scale=1.): ''' Fit the 1D Power spectrum using a segmented linear model. Note that the current implementation allows for only 1 break point in the model. If the break point is estimated via a spline, the breaks are tested, starting from the largest, until the model finds a good fit. Parameters ---------- brk : float or None, optional Guesses for the break points. If given as a list, the length of the list sets the number of break points to be fit. If a choice is outside of the allowed range from the data, Lm_Seg will raise an error. If None, a spline is used to estimate the breaks. log_break : bool, optional Sets whether the provided break estimates are log-ed values. low_cut : float, optional Lowest frequency to consider in the fit. high_cut : float, optional Highest frequency to consider in the fit. min_fits_pts : int, optional Sets the minimum number of points needed to fit. If not met, the break found is rejected. verbose : bool, optional Enables verbose mode in Lm_Seg. large_scale : float, optional Set fraction of array shape corresponding to the largest frequency to include while fitting (i.e., 1. uses all frequencies, 0.5 limits the maximum frequency to half of the smallest array shape). ''' # Make the data to fit to if low_cut is None: # Default to the largest frequency, since this is just 1 pixel # in the 2D PSpec. self.low_cut = 1. / (large_scale * float(max(self.ps2D.shape))) else: self.low_cut = low_cut if high_cut is None: self.high_cut = self.freqs.max().value + 1 else: self.high_cut = high_cut x = np.log10(self.freqs[clip_func(self.freqs.value, self.low_cut, self.high_cut)].value) y = np.log10(self.ps1D[clip_func(self.freqs.value, self.low_cut, self.high_cut)]) if brk is not None: # Try the fit with a break in it. if not log_break: brk = np.log10(brk) brk_fit = \ Lm_Seg(x, y, brk) brk_fit.fit_model(verbose=verbose) if brk_fit.params.size == 5: # Check to make sure this leaves enough to fit to. if sum(x < brk_fit.brk) < min_fits_pts: warnings.warn("Not enough points to fit to." + " Ignoring break.") self.high_cut = self.freqs.max().value else: good_pts = x.copy() < brk_fit.brk x = x[good_pts] y = y[good_pts] self.high_cut = 10**brk_fit.brk else: self.high_cut = self.freqs.max().value # Break fit failed, revert to normal model warnings.warn("Model with break failed, reverting to model\ without break.") x = sm.add_constant(x) model = sm.OLS(y, x, missing='drop') = self._slope =[1] self._slope_err =[1] @property def slope(self): ''' Power spectrum slope. ''' return self._slope @property def slope_err(self): ''' 1-sigma error on the power spectrum slope. ''' return self._slope_err def plot_fit(self, show=True, show_2D=False, color='r', label=None, symbol="D", ang_units=False, unit=u.deg, save_name=None, use_wavenumber=False): ''' Plot the fitted model. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as p if ang_units: if use_wavenumber: xlab = r"k/" + unit.to_string() + "$^{-1}$" else: xlab = r"Spatial Frequency/" + unit.to_string() + "$^{-1}$" else: if use_wavenumber: xlab = r"k/pixel$^{-1}$" else: xlab = r"Spatial Frequency/pixel$^{-1}$" # 2D Spectrum is shown alongside 1D. Otherwise only 1D is returned. if show_2D: p.subplot(122) p.imshow(np.log10(self.ps2D), interpolation="nearest", origin="lower") p.colorbar() ax = p.subplot(121) else: ax = p.subplot(111) good_interval = clip_func(self.freqs.value, self.low_cut, self.high_cut) y_fit = fit_index = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(self.ps1D), good_interval) # Set the x-values to use (freqs or k) if use_wavenumber: xvals = self.wavenumbers else: xvals = self.freqs if ang_units: xvals = 1. / (1. / xvals).to(unit, equivalencies=self.angular_equiv) xvals = xvals.value if self._stddev_flag: ax.errorbar(np.log10(xvals), np.log10(self.ps1D), yerr=0.434 * (self.ps1D_stddev / self.ps1D), color=color, fmt=symbol, markersize=5, alpha=0.5, capsize=10, elinewidth=3) ax.plot(np.log10(xvals[fit_index]), y_fit, color + '-', label=label, linewidth=2) ax.set_xlabel("log " + xlab) ax.set_ylabel(r"log P$_2(K)$") else: ax.loglog(self.xvals[fit_index], 10**y_fit, color + '-', label=label, linewidth=2) ax.loglog(self.xvals, self.ps1D, color + symbol, alpha=0.5, markersize=5) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(r"P$_2(K)$") # Show the fitting extents low_cut = self.low_cut if not use_wavenumber else \ self.low_cut * min(self._ps2D.shape) high_cut = self.high_cut if not use_wavenumber else \ self.high_cut * min(self._ps2D.shape) p.axvline(np.log10(low_cut), color=color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') p.axvline(np.log10(high_cut), color=color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') p.grid(True) if save_name is not None: p.savefig(save_name) if show: