Source code for turbustat.statistics.dendrograms.dendro_stats

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE


Dendrogram statistics as described in Burkhart et al. (2013)
Two statistics are contained:
    * number of leaves + branches vs. $\delta$ parameter
    * statistical moments of the intensity histogram

Requires the astrodendro package (


import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import cPickle as pickle
from warnings import warn
import statsmodels.api as sm
from mecdf import mecdf

    from astrodendro import Dendrogram, periodic_neighbours
    astrodendro_flag = True
except ImportError:
    Warning("Need to install astrodendro to use dendrogram statistics.")
    astrodendro_flag = False

from ..stats_utils import hellinger, common_histogram_bins, standardize
from ..base_statistic import BaseStatisticMixIn
from import common_types, threed_types, twod_types

[docs]class Dendrogram_Stats(BaseStatisticMixIn): """ Dendrogram statistics as described in Burkhart et al. (2013) Two statistics are contained: * number of leaves + branches vs. $\delta$ parameter * statistical moments of the intensity histogram Parameters ---------- data : %(dtypes)s Data to create the dendrogram from. min_deltas : numpy.ndarray or list Minimum deltas of leaves in the dendrogram. dendro_params : dict Further parameters for the dendrogram algorithm (see for more info). """ __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + twod_types + threed_types)} def __init__(self, data, header=None, min_deltas=None, dendro_params=None): super(Dendrogram_Stats, self).__init__() if not astrodendro_flag: raise ImportError("astrodendro must be installed to use " "Dendrogram_Stats.") self.input_data_header(data, header) if dendro_params is None: self.dendro_params = {"min_npix": 10, "min_value": 0.001, "min_delta": 0.1} else: self.dendro_params = dendro_params self.min_deltas = min_deltas @property def min_deltas(self): ''' Array of min_delta values to compute the dendrogram. ''' return self._min_deltas @min_deltas.setter def min_deltas(self, value): # In the case where only one min_delta is given if "min_delta" in self.dendro_params and value is None: self._min_deltas = np.array([self.dendro_params["min_delta"]]) elif not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): self._min_deltas = np.array([value]) else: self._min_deltas = value
[docs] def compute_dendro(self, verbose=False, save_dendro=False, dendro_name=None, dendro_obj=None, periodic_bounds=False): ''' Compute the dendrogram and prune to the minimum deltas. ** min_deltas must be in ascending order! ** Parameters ---------- verbose : optional, bool Enables the progress bar in astrodendro. save_dendro : optional, bool Saves the dendrogram in HDF5 format. **Requires pyHDF5** dendro_name : str, optional Save name when save_dendro is enabled. ".hdf5" appended automatically. dendro_obj : Dendrogram, optional Input a pre-computed dendrogram object. It is assumed that the dendrogram has already been computed! periodic_bounds : bool, optional Enable when the data is periodic in the spatial dimensions. ''' self._numfeatures = np.empty(self.min_deltas.shape, dtype=int) self._values = [] if dendro_obj is None: if periodic_bounds: # Find the spatial dimensions num_axes = spat_axes = [] for i, axis_type in enumerate(self._wcs.get_axis_types()): if axis_type["coordinate_type"] == u"celestial": spat_axes.append(num_axes - i - 1) neighbours = periodic_neighbours(spat_axes) else: neighbours = None d = Dendrogram.compute(, verbose=verbose, min_delta=self.min_deltas[0], min_value=self.dendro_params["min_value"], min_npix=self.dendro_params["min_npix"], neighbours=neighbours) else: d = dendro_obj self._numfeatures[0] = len(d) self._values.append(np.array([struct.vmax for struct in d.all_structures])) if len(self.min_deltas) > 1: for i, delta in enumerate(self.min_deltas[1:]): if verbose: print "On %s of %s" % (i + 1, len(self.min_deltas[1:])) d.prune(min_delta=delta) self._numfeatures[i + 1] = len(d) self._values.append(np.array([struct.vmax for struct in d.all_structures]))
@property def numfeatures(self): ''' Number of branches and leaves at each value of min_delta ''' return self._numfeatures @property def values(self): ''' Array of peak intensity values of leaves and branches at all values of min_delta. ''' return self._values
[docs] def make_hists(self, min_number=10, **kwargs): ''' Creates histograms based on values from the tree. *Note:* These histograms are remade when calculating the distance to ensure the proper form for the Hellinger distance. Parameters ---------- min_number : int, optional Minimum number of structures needed to create a histogram. ''' hists = [] for value in self.values: if len(value) < min_number: hists.append([np.zeros((0, ))] * 2) continue if 'bins' not in kwargs: bins = int(np.sqrt(len(value))) else: bins = kwargs['bins'] kwargs.pop('bins') hist, bins = np.histogram(value, bins=bins, **kwargs) bin_cents = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 hists.append([bin_cents, hist]) self._hists = hists
@property def hists(self): ''' Histogram values and bins computed from the peak intensity in all structures. One set of values and bins are returned for each value of `~Dendro_Statistics.min_deltas` ''' return self._hists
[docs] def fit_numfeat(self, size=5, verbose=False): ''' Fit a line to the power-law tail. The break is approximated using a moving window, computing the standard deviation. A spike occurs at the break point. Parameters ---------- size : int. optional Size of std. window. Passed to std_window. verbose : bool, optional Shows the model summary. ''' if len(self.numfeatures) == 1: warn("Multiple min_delta values must be provided to perform" " fitting. Only one value was given.") return nums = self.numfeatures[self.numfeatures > 1] deltas = self.min_deltas[self.numfeatures > 1] # Find the position of the break break_pos = std_window(nums, size=size) self.break_pos = deltas[break_pos] # Remove points where there is only 1 feature or less. self._fitvals = [np.log10(deltas[break_pos:]), np.log10(nums[break_pos:])] x = sm.add_constant(self.fitvals[0]) self._model = sm.OLS(self.fitvals[1], x).fit() if verbose: print self.model.summary() errors = self.model.bse self._tail_slope = self.model.params[-1] self._tail_slope_err = errors[-1]
@property def model(self): ''' Power-law tail fit model. ''' return self._model @property def fitvals(self): ''' Log values of delta and number of structures used for the power-law tail fit. ''' return self._fitvals @property def tail_slope(self): ''' Slope of power-law tail. ''' return self._tail_slope @property def tail_slope_err(self): ''' 1-sigma error on slope of power-law tail. ''' return self._tail_slope_err
[docs] def save_results(self, output_name=None, keep_data=False): ''' Save the results of the dendrogram statistics to avoid re-computing. The pickled file will not include the data cube by default. ''' if output_name is None: output_name = "dendrogram_stats_output.pkl" if output_name[-4:] != ".pkl": output_name += ".pkl" self_copy = deepcopy(self) # Don't keep the whole cube unless keep_data enabled. if not keep_data: self_copy.cube = None with open(output_name, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(self_copy, output, -1)
[docs] def load_results(pickle_file): ''' Load in a saved pickle file. Parameters ---------- pickle_file : str Name of filename to load in. ''' with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as input: self = pickle.load(input) return self
[docs] def load_dendrogram(hdf5_file, min_deltas=None): ''' Load in a previously saved dendrogram. **Requires pyHDF5** Parameters ---------- hdf5_file : str Name of saved file. min_deltas : numpy.ndarray or list Minimum deltas of leaves in the dendrogram. ''' dendro = Dendrogram.load_from(hdf5_file) self = Dendrogram_Stats(, min_deltas=min_deltas, dendro_params=dendro.params) self.compute_dendro(dendro_obj=dendro) return self
[docs] def run(self, periodic_bounds=False, verbose=False, save_name=None, dendro_verbose=False, dendro_obj=None, save_results=False, output_name=None, make_hists=True, **kwargs): ''' Compute dendrograms. Necessary to maintain the package format. Parameters ---------- periodic_bounds : bool or list, optional Enable when the data is periodic in the spatial dimensions. Passing a two-element list can be used to individually set how the boundaries are treated for the datasets. verbose : optional, bool Enable plotting of results. save_name : str,optional Save the figure when a file name is given. dendro_verbose : optional, bool Prints out updates while making the dendrogram. dendro_obj : Dendrogram, optional Pass a pre-computed dendrogram object. **MUST have min_delta set at or below the smallest value in`~Dendro_Statistics.min_deltas`.** save_results : bool, optional Save the statistic results as a pickle file. See `~Dendro_Statistics.save_results`. output_name : str, optional Filename used when `save_results` is enabled. Must be given when saving. make_hists : bool, optional Enable computing histograms. kwargs : Passed to `~Dendro_Statistics.make_hists`. ''' self.compute_dendro(verbose=dendro_verbose, dendro_obj=dendro_obj, periodic_bounds=periodic_bounds) self.fit_numfeat(verbose=verbose) if make_hists: self.make_hists(**kwargs) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p if not make_hists: ax1 = p.subplot(111) else: ax1 = p.subplot(121) ax1.plot(self.fitvals[0], self.fitvals[1], 'bD') ax1.plot(self.fitvals[0], self.model.fittedvalues, 'g') p.xlabel(r"log $\delta$") p.ylabel(r"log Number of Features") if make_hists: ax2 = p.subplot(122) for bins, vals in self.hists: if bins.size < 1: continue bin_width = np.abs(bins[1] - bins[0]), vals, align="center", width=bin_width, alpha=0.25) p.xlabel("Data Values") if save_name is not None: p.savefig(save_name) p.close() else: if save_results: self.save_results(output_name=output_name)
[docs]class DendroDistance(object): """ Calculate the distance between 2 cubes using dendrograms. The number of features vs. minimum delta is fit to a linear model, with an interaction term o gauge the difference. The distance is the t-statistic of that parameter. The Hellinger distance is computed for the histograms at each minimum delta value. The distance is the average of the Hellinger distances. Parameters ---------- cube1 : %(dtypes)s or str Data cube. If a str, it should be the filename of a pickle file saved using Dendrogram_Stats. cube2 : %(dtypes)s or str Data cube. If a str, it should be the filename of a pickle file saved using Dendrogram_Stats. min_deltas : numpy.ndarray or list Minimum deltas of leaves in the dendrogram. nbins : str or float, optional Number of bins for the histograms. 'best' sets that number using the square root of the average number of features between the histograms to be compared. min_features : int, optional The minimum number of features necessary to compare the histograms. fiducial_model : Dendrogram_Stats Computed dendrogram and statistic values. Use to avoid re-computing. dendro_params : dict or list of dicts, optional Further parameters for the dendrogram algorithm (see for more info). If a list of dictionaries is given, the first list entry should be the dictionary for cube1, and the second for cube2. periodic_bounds : bool or list, optional Enable when the data is periodic in the spatial dimensions. Passing a two-element list can be used to individually set how the boundaries are treated for the datasets. """ __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + twod_types + threed_types)} def __init__(self, cube1, cube2, min_deltas=None, nbins="best", min_features=100, fiducial_model=None, dendro_params=None, periodic_bounds=False): super(DendroDistance, self).__init__() if not astrodendro_flag: raise ImportError("astrodendro must be installed to use " "Dendrogram_Stats.") self.nbins = nbins if min_deltas is None: # min_deltas = np.append(np.logspace(-1.5, -0.7, 8), # np.logspace(-0.6, -0.35, 10)) min_deltas = np.logspace(-2.5, 0.5, 100) if dendro_params is not None: if isinstance(dendro_params, list): dendro_params1 = dendro_params[0] dendro_params2 = dendro_params[1] elif isinstance(dendro_params, dict): dendro_params1 = dendro_params dendro_params2 = dendro_params else: raise TypeError("dendro_params is a {}. It must be a dictionary" ", or a list containing a dictionary entries." .format(type(dendro_params))) else: dendro_params1 = None dendro_params2 = None if isinstance(periodic_bounds, bool): periodic_bounds = [periodic_bounds] * 2 else: if not len(periodic_bounds) == 2: raise ValueError("periodic_bounds should be a two-element" " list.") if fiducial_model is not None: self.dendro1 = fiducial_model elif isinstance(cube1, str): self.dendro1 = Dendrogram_Stats.load_results(cube1) else: self.dendro1 = Dendrogram_Stats( cube1, min_deltas=min_deltas, dendro_params=dendro_params1), make_hists=False, periodic_bounds=periodic_bounds[0]) if isinstance(cube2, str): self.dendro2 = Dendrogram_Stats.load_results(cube2) else: self.dendro2 = \ Dendrogram_Stats(cube2, min_deltas=min_deltas, dendro_params=dendro_params2), make_hists=False, periodic_bounds=periodic_bounds[1]) # Set the minimum number of components to create a histogram cutoff1 = np.argwhere(self.dendro1.numfeatures > min_features) cutoff2 = np.argwhere(self.dendro2.numfeatures > min_features) if cutoff1.any(): cutoff1 = cutoff1[-1] else: raise ValueError("The dendrogram from cube1 does not contain the" " necessary number of features, %s. Lower" " min_features or alter min_deltas." % (min_features)) if cutoff2.any(): cutoff2 = cutoff2[-1] else: raise ValueError("The dendrogram from cube2 does not contain the" " necessary number of features, %s. Lower" " min_features or alter min_deltas." % (min_features)) self.cutoff = np.min([cutoff1, cutoff2]) self.bins = [] self.mecdf1 = None self.mecdf2 = None self.num_results = None self.num_distance = None self.histogram_distance = None
[docs] def numfeature_stat(self, verbose=False, label1=None, label2=None, save_name=None): ''' Calculate the distance based on the number of features statistic. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. label1 : str, optional Object or region name for cube1 label2 : str, optional Object or region name for cube2 save_name : str, optional Saves the plot when a filename is given. ''' self.num_distance = \ np.abs(self.dendro1.tail_slope - self.dendro2.tail_slope) / \ np.sqrt(self.dendro1.tail_slope_err**2 + self.dendro2.tail_slope_err**2) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p # Dendrogram 1 p.plot(self.dendro1.fitvals[0], self.dendro1.fitvals[1], 'bD', label=label1) p.plot(self.dendro1.fitvals[0], self.dendro1.model.fittedvalues, 'b') # Dendrogram 2 p.plot(self.dendro2.fitvals[0], self.dendro2.fitvals[1], 'go', label=label2) p.plot(self.dendro2.fitvals[0], self.dendro2.model.fittedvalues, 'g') p.grid(True) p.xlabel(r"log $\delta$") p.ylabel("log Number of Features") p.legend(loc='best') if save_name is not None: p.savefig(save_name) p.clf() else: return self
[docs] def histogram_stat(self, verbose=False, label1=None, label2=None, save_name=None): ''' Computes the distance using histograms. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. label1 : str, optional Object or region name for cube1 label2 : str, optional Object or region name for cube2 save_name : str, optional Saves the plot when a filename is given. ''' if self.nbins == "best": self.nbins = [np.floor(np.sqrt((n1 + n2) / 2.)) for n1, n2 in zip(self.dendro1.numfeatures[:self.cutoff], self.dendro2.numfeatures[:self.cutoff])] else: self.nbins = [self.nbins] * \ len(self.dendro1.numfeatures[:self.cutoff]) self.nbins = np.array(self.nbins, dtype=int) self.histograms1 = \ np.empty((len(self.dendro1.numfeatures[:self.cutoff]), np.max(self.nbins))) self.histograms2 = \ np.empty((len(self.dendro2.numfeatures[:self.cutoff]), np.max(self.nbins))) for n, (data1, data2, nbin) in enumerate( zip(self.dendro1.values[:self.cutoff], self.dendro2.values[:self.cutoff], self.nbins)): stand_data1 = standardize(data1) stand_data2 = standardize(data2) bins = common_histogram_bins(stand_data1, stand_data2, nbins=nbin + 1) self.bins.append(bins) hist1 = np.histogram(stand_data1, bins=bins, density=True)[0] self.histograms1[n, :] = \ np.append(hist1, (np.max(self.nbins) - bins.size + 1) * [np.NaN]) hist2 = np.histogram(stand_data2, bins=bins, density=True)[0] self.histograms2[n, :] = \ np.append(hist2, (np.max(self.nbins) - bins.size + 1) * [np.NaN]) # Normalize self.histograms1[n, :] /= np.nansum(self.histograms1[n, :]) self.histograms2[n, :] /= np.nansum(self.histograms2[n, :]) self.mecdf1 = mecdf(self.histograms1) self.mecdf2 = mecdf(self.histograms2) self.histogram_distance = hellinger_stat( self.histograms1, self.histograms2) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as p ax1 = p.subplot(2, 2, 1) ax1.set_title(label1) ax1.set_ylabel("ECDF") for n in range(len(self.dendro1.min_deltas[:self.cutoff])): ax1.plot((self.bins[n][:-1] + self.bins[n][1:]) / 2, self.mecdf1[n, :][:self.nbins[n]]) ax1.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax2 = p.subplot(2, 2, 2) ax2.set_title(label2) ax2.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax2.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) for n in range(len(self.dendro2.min_deltas[:self.cutoff])): ax2.plot((self.bins[n][:-1] + self.bins[n][1:]) / 2, self.mecdf2[n, :][:self.nbins[n]]) ax3 = p.subplot(2, 2, 3) ax3.set_ylabel("PDF") for n in range(len(self.dendro1.min_deltas[:self.cutoff])): bin_width = self.bins[n][1] - self.bins[n][0][n][:-1] + self.bins[n][1:]) / 2, self.histograms1[n, :][:self.nbins[n]], align="center", width=bin_width, alpha=0.25) ax3.set_xlabel("z-score") ax4 = p.subplot(2, 2, 4) for n in range(len(self.dendro2.min_deltas[:self.cutoff])): bin_width = self.bins[n][1] - self.bins[n][0][n][:-1] + self.bins[n][1:]) / 2, self.histograms2[n, :][:self.nbins[n]], align="center", width=bin_width, alpha=0.25) ax4.set_xlabel("z-score") ax4.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) p.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: p.savefig(save_name) p.clf() else: return self
[docs] def distance_metric(self, verbose=False, label1=None, label2=None): ''' Calculate both distance metrics. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. label1 : str, optional Object or region name for cube1 label2 : str, optional Object or region name for cube2 ''' self.histogram_stat(verbose=verbose, label1=label1, label2=label2) self.numfeature_stat(verbose=verbose, label1=label1, label2=label2) return self
def hellinger_stat(x, y): ''' Compute the Hellinger statistic of multiple samples. ''' assert x.shape == y.shape if len(x.shape) == 1: return hellinger(x, y) else: dists = np.empty((x.shape[0], 1)) for n in range(x.shape[0]): dists[n, 0] = hellinger(x[n, :], y[n, :]) return np.mean(dists) def std_window(y, size=5, return_results=False): ''' Uses a moving standard deviation window to find where the powerlaw break is. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray Data. size : int, optional Odd integer which sets the window size. return_results : bool, optional If enabled, returns the results of the window. Otherwise, only the position of the break is returned. ''' half_size = (size - 1) / 2 shape = max(y.shape) stds = np.empty((shape - size + 1)) for i in range(half_size, shape - half_size): stds[i - half_size] = np.std(y[i - half_size: i + half_size]) # Now find the max break_pos = np.argmax(stds) + half_size if return_results: return break_pos, stds return break_pos