
class turbustat.statistics.Genus(img, lowdens_percent=0, highdens_percent=100, numpts=100, smoothing_radii=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: turbustat.statistics.base_statistic.BaseStatisticMixIn

Genus Statistics based off of Chepurnov et al. (2008).


img : numpy.ndarray or or spectral_cube.LowerDimensionalObject

2D image.

lowdens_percent : float, optional

Lower percentile of the data to use.

highdens_percent : float, optional

Upper percentile of the data to use.

numpts : int, optional

Number of thresholds to calculate statistic at.

smoothing_radii : list, optional

Kernel radii to smooth data to.

Attributes Summary

genus_stats Array of genus statistic values for all smoothed images (0th axis) and all threshold values (1st axis).
smoothed_images List of smoothed versions of the image, using the radii in smoothing_radii.
smoothing_radii Pixel radii used to smooth the data.
thresholds Values of the data to compute the Genus statistics at.

Methods Summary

make_genus_curve([use_beam, beam_area, ...]) Create the genus curve from the smoothed_images at the specified thresholds.
make_smooth_arrays(**kwargs) Smooth data using a Gaussian kernel.
run([verbose, save_name, use_beam, ...]) Run the whole statistic.

Attributes Documentation


Array of genus statistic values for all smoothed images (0th axis) and all threshold values (1st axis).


List of smoothed versions of the image, using the radii in smoothing_radii.


Pixel radii used to smooth the data.


Values of the data to compute the Genus statistics at.

Methods Documentation

make_genus_curve(use_beam=False, beam_area=None, min_size=4, connectivity=1)[source] [edit on github]

Create the genus curve from the smoothed_images at the specified thresholds.


use_beam : bool, optional

When enabled, will use the given beam_fwhm or try to load it from the header. When disabled, the minimum size is set by min_size.

beam_area : Quantity, optional

The angular area of the beam size. Requires a header to be given.

min_size : int, optional

Directly specify the number of pixels to be used as the minimum area a region must have to be counted.

connectivity : {1, 2}, optional

Connectivity used when removing regions below min_size.

make_smooth_arrays(**kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Smooth data using a Gaussian kernel. NaN interpolation during convolution is automatically used when the data contains any NaNs.

Parameters:kwargs: Passed to `~astropy.convolve.convolve_fft`.
run(verbose=False, save_name=None, use_beam=False, beam_area=None, min_size=4, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Run the whole statistic.


verbose : bool, optional

Enables plotting.

save_name : str,optional

Save the figure when a file name is given.

use_beam : bool, optional

beam_area : Quantity, optional

min_size : int, optional

kwargs : See make_smooth_arrays.