Source code for turbustat.statistics.mvc.mvc

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fftshift
import astropy.units as u
from warnings import warn
import sys
from copy import deepcopy

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    import _pickle as pickle
    import cPickle as pickle

from ..base_pspec2 import StatisticBase_PSpec2D
from ..base_statistic import BaseStatisticMixIn
from import input_data, common_types, twod_types
from ..fitting_utils import check_fit_limits
from ..rfft_to_fft import rfft_to_fft

[docs] class MVC(BaseStatisticMixIn, StatisticBase_PSpec2D): """ Implementation of Modified Velocity Centroids (Lazarian & Esquivel, 03) Parameters ---------- centroid : %(dtypes)s Normalized first moment array. moment0 : %(dtypes)s Moment 0 array. linewidth : %(dtypes)s Normalized second moment array header : FITS header Header of any of the arrays. Used only to get the spatial scale. distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Physical distance to the region in the data. """ __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + twod_types)} def __init__(self, centroid, moment0, linewidth, header=None, distance=None, beam=None): # data property not used here # self.no_data_flag = True # = None if header is None: try: self._centroid, self.header = input_data(centroid, no_header=False) except TypeError: warn("Could not load header from centroid. No header has been" " specified.") self._centroid = input_data(centroid, no_header=True) else: self._centroid = input_data(centroid, no_header=True) self.header = header = self.centroid if distance is not None: self.distance = distance self._moment0 = input_data(moment0, no_header=True) self._linewidth = input_data(linewidth, no_header=True) shape_check1 = self.centroid.shape == self.moment0.shape shape_check2 = self.centroid.shape == self.linewidth.shape if not shape_check1 or not shape_check2: raise IndexError("The centroid, moment0, and linewidth arrays must" "have the same shape.") self.shape = self.centroid.shape # Get rid of nans. isnan = np.logical_and(np.isnan(self.centroid), np.isnan(self.moment0)) isnan = np.logical_and(isnan, np.isnan(self.linewidth)) if isnan.any(): # Need to make copies to avoid making changes to original data self._centroid = self._centroid.copy() self._centroid[isnan] = 0. self._moment0 = self._moment0.copy() self._moment0[isnan] = 0. self._linewidth = self._linewidth.copy() self._linewidth[isnan] = 0. self.load_beam(beam=beam) @property def centroid(self): ''' Normalized centroid array. ''' return self._centroid @property def moment0(self): ''' Zeroth moment (integrated intensity) array. ''' return self._moment0 @property def linewidth(self): ''' Linewidth array. Square root of the velocity dispersion. ''' return self._linewidth
[docs] def compute_pspec(self, beam_correct=False, apodize_kernel=None, alpha=0.3, beta=0.0, use_pyfftw=False, threads=1, **pyfftw_kwargs): ''' Compute the 2D power spectrum. The quantity calculated here is the same as Equation 3 in Lazarian & Esquivel (2003), but the inputted arrays are not in the same form as described. We can, however, adjust for the use of normalized Centroids and the linewidth. An unnormalized centroid can be constructed by multiplying the centroid array by the moment0. Velocity dispersion is the square of the linewidth subtracted by the square of the normalized centroid. Parameters ---------- beam_correct : bool, optional If a beam object was given, divide the 2D FFT by the beam response. apodize_kernel : None or 'splitcosinebell', 'hanning', 'tukey', 'cosinebell', 'tophat' If None, no apodization kernel is applied. Otherwise, the type of apodizing kernel is given. alpha : float, optional alpha shape parameter of the apodization kernel. See `~turbustat.apodizing_kernel` for more information. beta : float, optional beta shape parameter of the apodization kernel. See `~turbustat.apodizing_kernel` for more information. use_pyfftw : bool, optional Enable to use pyfftw, if it is installed. threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in FFT when using pyfftw. pyfftw_kwargs : Passed to `~turbustat.statistics.rfft_to_fft.rfft_to_fft`. See `here <>`__ for a list of accepted kwargs. ''' if apodize_kernel is not None: apod_kernel = self.apodizing_kernel(kernel_type=apodize_kernel, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) term1_data = self.centroid * self.moment0 * apod_kernel term2_data = self.linewidth**2 + self.centroid**2 * apod_kernel mom0_data = self.moment0 * apod_kernel else: term1_data = self.centroid * self.moment0 term2_data = self.linewidth**2 + self.centroid**2 mom0_data = self.moment0 if pyfftw_kwargs.get('threads') is not None: pyfftw_kwargs.pop('threads') term1 = rfft_to_fft(term1_data, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw, threads=threads, **pyfftw_kwargs) fft_mom0 = rfft_to_fft(mom0_data, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw, threads=threads, **pyfftw_kwargs) # Account for normalization in the line width. term2 = np.nanmean(term2_data) mvc_fft = term1 - term2 * fft_mom0 # Shift to the center mvc_fft = fftshift(mvc_fft) self._ps2D = np.abs(mvc_fft) ** 2. if beam_correct: self.compute_beam_pspec() if beam_correct: self._ps2D /= self._beam_pow
[docs] def save_results(self, output_name, keep_data=False): ''' Save the results of the SCF to avoid re-computing. The pickled file will not include the data cube by default. Parameters ---------- output_name : str Name of the outputted pickle file. keep_data : bool, optional Save the data cube in the pickle file when enabled. ''' if not output_name.endswith(".pkl"): output_name += ".pkl" self_copy = deepcopy(self) # Don't keep the whole cube unless keep_data enabled. if not keep_data: self_copy._centroid = None self_copy._moment0 = None self_copy._linewidth = None with open(output_name, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(self_copy, output, -1)
[docs] def run(self, verbose=False, beam_correct=False, apodize_kernel=None, alpha=0.2, beta=0.0, use_pyfftw=False, threads=1, pyfftw_kwargs={}, radial_pspec_kwargs={}, low_cut=None, high_cut=None, fit_kwargs={}, fit_unbinned=False, fit_2D=True, fit_2D_kwargs={}, save_name=None, xunit=u.pix**-1, use_wavenumber=False): ''' Full computation of MVC. For fitting parameters and radial binning options, see `~turbustat.statistics.base_pspec2.StatisticBase_PSpec2D`. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. use_pyfftw : bool, optional Enable to use pyfftw, if it is installed. threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in FFT when using pyfftw. pyfft_kwargs : Passed to `~turbustat.statistics.rfft_to_fft.rfft_to_fft`. See `here <>`_ for a list of accepted kwargs. radial_pspec_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to `~PowerSpectrum.compute_radial_pspec`. low_cut : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Low frequency cut off in frequencies used in the fitting. high_cut : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional High frequency cut off in frequencies used in the fitting. fit_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to `~PowerSpectrum.fit_pspec`. fit_unbinned : bool, optional Passed to `~PowerSpectrum.fit_pspec`. Default is False. fit_2D : bool, optional Fit an elliptical power-law model to the 2D power spectrum. fit_2D_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `~MVC.fit_2Dpspec`. Use the `low_cut` and `high_cut` keywords to provide fit limits. save_name : str,optional Save the figure when a file name is given. xunit : u.Unit, optional Choose the unit to convert the x-axis in the plot to. use_wavenumber : bool, optional Plot the x-axis as the wavenumber rather than spatial frequency. fit_kwargs : Passed to `~MVC.fit_pspec`. ''' # Remove threads if in dict if pyfftw_kwargs.get('threads') is not None: pyfftw_kwargs.pop('threads') self.compute_pspec(apodize_kernel=apodize_kernel, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, beam_correct=beam_correct, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw, threads=threads, **pyfftw_kwargs) self.compute_radial_pspec(**radial_pspec_kwargs) self.fit_pspec(low_cut=low_cut, high_cut=high_cut, fit_unbinned=fit_unbinned, **fit_kwargs) if fit_2D: self.fit_2Dpspec(low_cut=low_cut, high_cut=high_cut, **fit_2D_kwargs) if verbose: print( if self._bootstrap_flag: print("Bootstrapping used to find stderrs! " "Errors may not equal those shown above.") self.plot_fit(show_2D=True, xunit=xunit, save_name=save_name, use_wavenumber=use_wavenumber) if save_name is not None: import matplotlib.pyplot as p p.close() return self
[docs] class MVC_Distance(object): """ Distance metric for MVC. Parameters ---------- data1 : dict or `~MVC` A dictionary containing the centroid, moment 0, and linewidth arrays of a spectral cube. This output is created by Moments.to_dict. The minimum expected keys are 'centroid', 'moment0' and 'linewidth'. If weight_by_error is enabled, the dictionary should also contain the error arrays, where the keys are the three above with '_error' appended to the end. An `~MVC` class may also be passed which may be pre-computed. data2 : dict or `~MVC` See `data1` above. weight_by_error : bool, optional When enabled, the property arrays are weighted by the inverse squared of the error arrays. low_cut : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or np.ndarray, optional The lower frequency fitting limit. An array with 2 elements can be passed to give separate lower limits for the datasets. high_cut : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or np.ndarray, optional The upper frequency fitting limit. See `low_cut` above. Defaults to 0.5. breaks : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, list or array, optional Specify where the break point is with appropriate units. If none is given, no break point will be used in the fit. pspec_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to `radial_pspec_kwargs` in ``. pspec2_kwargs : dict or None, optional Passed to `radial_pspec_kwargs` in `` for `data2`. When `None` is given, setting from `pspec_kwargs` are used for `data2`. """ def __init__(self, data1, data2, weight_by_error=False, low_cut=None, high_cut=0.5 / u.pix, breaks=None, pspec_kwargs={}, pspec2_kwargs=None): if isinstance(data1, MVC): self.mvc1 = data1 _has_data1 = False else: _has_data1 = True if weight_by_error: centroid1 = data1["centroid"][0] * \ data1["centroid_error"][0] ** -2. moment01 = data1["moment0"][0] * \ data1["moment0_error"][0] ** -2. linewidth1 = data1["linewidth"][0] * \ data1["linewidth_error"][0] ** -2. else: centroid1 = data1["centroid"][0] moment01 = data1["moment0"][0] linewidth1 = data1["linewidth"][0] if isinstance(data2, MVC): self.mvc2 = data2 _has_data2 = False else: _has_data2 = True if weight_by_error: centroid2 = data2["centroid"][0] * \ data2["centroid_error"][0] ** -2. moment02 = data2["moment0"][0] * \ data2["moment0_error"][0] ** -2. linewidth2 = data2["linewidth"][0] * \ data2["linewidth_error"][0] ** -2. else: centroid2 = data2["centroid"][0] moment02 = data2["moment0"][0] linewidth2 = data2["linewidth"][0] low_cut, high_cut = check_fit_limits(low_cut, high_cut) if not isinstance(breaks, list) and not isinstance(breaks, np.ndarray): breaks = [breaks] * 2 if pspec2_kwargs is None: pspec2_kwargs = pspec_kwargs # if fiducial_model is not None: # self.mvc1 = fiducial_model if _has_data1: self.mvc1 = MVC(centroid1, moment01, linewidth1, data1["centroid"][1]) need_run = True else: need_run = False if not hasattr(self.mvc1, '_slope'): need_run = True warn("MVC given as data1 does not have a fitted" " slope. Re-running MVC.") if need_run:, high_cut=high_cut[0], low_cut=low_cut[0], fit_kwargs={'brk': breaks[0]}, fit_2D=False) if _has_data2: self.mvc2 = MVC(centroid2, moment02, linewidth2, data2["centroid"][1]) need_run = True else: need_run = False if not hasattr(self.mvc2, '_slope'): need_run = True warn("MVC given as data2 does not have a fitted" " slope. Re-running MVC.") if need_run:, high_cut=high_cut[1], low_cut=low_cut[1], fit_kwargs={'brk': breaks[1]}, fit_2D=False)
[docs] def distance_metric(self, verbose=False, xunit=u.pix**-1, save_name=None, plot_kwargs1={}, plot_kwargs2={}, use_wavenumber=False): ''' Implements the distance metric for 2 MVC transforms. We fit the linear portion of the transform to represent the powerlaw A linear model with an interaction term is fit to the two powerlaws. The distance is the t-statistic of the interaction. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. xunit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Unit of the x-axis in the plot in pixel, angular, or physical units. save_name : str, optional Name of the save file. Enables saving the figure. plot_kwargs1 : dict, optional Pass kwargs to `~turbustat.statistics.MVC.plot_fit` for `data1`. plot_kwargs2 : dict, optional Pass kwargs to `~turbustat.statistics.MVC.plot_fit` for `data2`. use_wavenumber : bool, optional Plot the x-axis as the wavenumber rather than spatial frequency. ''' # Construct t-statistic self.distance = \ np.abs((self.mvc1.slope - self.mvc2.slope) / np.sqrt(self.mvc1.slope_err**2 + self.mvc2.slope_err**2)) if verbose: print( print( import matplotlib.pyplot as plt defaults1 = {'color': 'b', 'symbol': 'D', 'label': '1'} defaults2 = {'color': 'g', 'symbol': 'o', 'label': '2'} for key in defaults1: if key not in plot_kwargs1: plot_kwargs1[key] = defaults1[key] for key in defaults2: if key not in plot_kwargs2: plot_kwargs2[key] = defaults2[key] if 'xunit' in plot_kwargs1: del plot_kwargs1['xunit'] if 'xunit' in plot_kwargs2: del plot_kwargs2['xunit'] self.mvc1.plot_fit(xunit=xunit, use_wavenumber=use_wavenumber, **plot_kwargs1) self.mvc2.plot_fit(xunit=xunit, use_wavenumber=use_wavenumber, **plot_kwargs2) axes = plt.gcf().get_axes() axes[0].legend(loc='best', frameon=True) if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else: return self