Installing TurbuStatΒΆ

The newest release of TurbuStat is available on pip:

>>> pip install turbustat  

TurbuStat can also be installed from the github repository.

TurbuStat requires the follow packages:

  • astropy

  • numpy

  • matplotlib

  • scipy

  • scikit-learn

  • statsmodels

  • scikit-image

The following packages are optional when installing TurbuStat and are required only for specific functions in TurbuStat:

  • spectral-cube (>v0.4.4) - Efficient handling of PPV cubes. Required for calculating moment arrays in turbustat.data_reduction.Moments.

  • radio_beam - A class for handling radio beams and useful utilities. Required for correcting for the beam shape in spatial power spectra. Automatically installed with spectral-cube.

  • astrodendro-development - Required for calculating dendrograms in turbustat.statistics.dendrograms

  • emcee - MCMC fitting in PCA and PDF.

  • pyfftw - Wrapper for the FFTW libraries. Allows FFTs to be run in parallel.

To install the development version, clone the repository::
>>> git clone 
Change into the TurbuStat directory and run::
>>> pip install -e . 

If you find any issues in the installation, please make an issue on github or contact the developers at the email on this page. Thank you!