class turbustat.statistics.PCA(cube, n_eigs=None, distance=None)[source]

Bases: BaseStatisticMixIn

Implementation of Principal Component Analysis (Heyer & Brunt, 2002)

cubenumpy.ndarray or astropy.io.fits.PrimaryHDU or astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU or SpectralCube

Data cube.


Deprecated. Input using compute_pca or run.

distanceQuantity, optional

Distance to object in physical units. The output spatial widths will be converted to the units given here.


>>> from turbustat.statistics import PCA
>>> from spectral_cube import SpectralCube
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> cube = SpectralCube.read("adv.fits") 
>>> pca = PCA(cube, distance=250 * u.pc) 
>>> pca.run(verbose=True) 

Attributes Summary




All eigenvalues.


All eigenvectors.


Slope of the size-linewidth relation with correction from Brunt & Heyer 2002


One-sigma error bounds on gamma.



Power-law index.


One-sigma error bounds on the index.





Total variance of all eigenvalues.


Proportion of variance described by the first n_eigs eigenvalues.

Methods Summary


Create the autocorrelation of the eigenimages.


Create the autocorrelation spectra of the eigenvectors.

compute_pca([mean_sub, n_eigs, min_eigval, ...])

Create the covariance matrix and its eigenvalues.


Create eigenimages up to the n_eigs.

find_spatial_widths([method, ...])

Derive the spatial widths using the autocorrelation of the eigenimages.


Derive the spectral widths using the autocorrelation of the eigenvectors.

fit_plaw([xlow, xhigh, fit_method, verbose])

Fit the size-linewidth relation.

input_data_header(data, header[, need_copy])

Check if the header is given separately from the data type.


Intercept from the fits, converted out of the log value.


One-sigma error bounds on the intercept.


Try loading the beam from the header or a given object.


Load in a saved pickle file.


Model with the fit parameters from fit_plaw


Create the noise autocorrelation function based off of the eigenvalues beyond PCA.n_eigs.

plot_fit([save_name, show_cov_bar, ...])

Plot the covariance matrix, bar plot of eigenvalues, and the fitted size-line width relation.

run([show_progress, verbose, save_name, ...])

Run the decomposition and fitting in one step.

save_results(output_name[, keep_data])

Save the results of the SCF to avoid re-computing.

sonic_length([T_k, mu, use_gamma, unit])

Estimate of the sonic length based on a given temperature.


Spatial widths for the first n_eigs components.


The 1-sigma error bounds on the spatial widths for the first n_eigs components.


Spectral widths for the first n_eigs components.


The error bounds on the spectral widths for the first n_eigs components.

Attributes Documentation


All eigenvalues.


All eigenvectors.


Slope of the size-linewidth relation with correction from Brunt & Heyer 2002


One-sigma error bounds on gamma.


Power-law index.


One-sigma error bounds on the index.

need_header_flag = True
no_data_flag = False

Total variance of all eigenvalues.


Proportion of variance described by the first n_eigs eigenvalues.

Methods Documentation


Create the autocorrelation of the eigenimages.

n_eigsNone or int

The number of autocorrelation images to create. When n_eigs is negative, the last -n_eig autocorrelation images are created. If None is given, the number in n_eigs will be returned.


3D array, where the first dimension if the number of eigenvalues.


Create the autocorrelation spectra of the eigenvectors.

n_eigsNone or int

The number of autocorrelation vectors to create. When n_eigs is negative, the last -n_eig autocorrelation vectors are created. If None is given, the number in n_eigs will be returned.


2D array, where the first dimension if the number of eigenvalues.

compute_pca(mean_sub=False, n_eigs='auto', min_eigval=None, eigen_cut_method='value', show_progress=True)[source]

Create the covariance matrix and its eigenvalues.

If mean_sub is disabled, the first eigenvalue is dominated by the mean of the data, not the variance.

mean_subbool, optional

When enabled, subtracts the means of the channels before calculating the covariance. By default, this is disabled to match the Heyer & Brunt method.

n_eigs{int, ‘auto’}, optional

Number of eigenvalues to compute. The default setting is ‘auto’, which requires min_eigval to be set. Otherwise, the number of eigenvalues used can be set using an int. Setting to -1 will use all of the eigenvalues.

min_eigvalfloat, optional

The cut-off value to determine the number of important eigenvalues. When eigen_cut_method is proportional, min_eigval is the total proportion of variance described up to the Nth eigenvalue. When eigen_cut_method is value, min_eigval is the minimum variance described by that eigenvalue.

eigen_cut_method{‘proportion’, ‘value’}, optional

Set whether min_eigval is the proportion of variance determined up to the Nth eigenvalue (proportion) or the minimum value of variance (value).

show_progressbool, optional

Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix.


Create eigenimages up to the n_eigs.

n_eigsNone or int

The number of eigenimages to create. When n_eigs is negative, the last -n_eig eigenimages are created. If None is given, the number in n_eigs will be returned.


3D array, where the first dimension if the number of eigenvalues.

find_spatial_widths(method='contour', brunt_beamcorrect=True, beam_fwhm=None, distance=None, diagnosticplots=False, **fit_kwargs)[source]

Derive the spatial widths using the autocorrelation of the eigenimages.

methods{‘contour’, ‘fit’, ‘interpolate’, ‘xinterpolate’}, optional

Spatial fitting method to use. The default method is ‘contour’ (fits an ellipse to the 1/e contour about the peak; this is the method used by the Heyer & Brunt works). See WidthEstimate2D for a description of all methods.

brunt_beamcorrectbool, optional

Apply the beam correction described in Chris Brunt’s thesis. A beam will be searched for in the given header (looking for “BMAJ”). If this fails, the value must be given in beam_fwhm with angular units.

beam_fwhmNone of Quantity, optional

When beam correction is enabled, the FWHM beam size can be given here.

distanceQuantity, optional

Distance to object in physical units. The output spatial widths will be converted to the units given here.

diagnosticplotsbool, optional

Plot the first 9 autocorrelation images with the contour fits. Only implemented for method='contour'.

fit_kwargsdict, optional

Used when method is ‘contour’. Passed to turbustat.statistics.stats_utils.EllipseModel.estimate_stderrs.


Derive the spectral widths using the autocorrelation of the eigenvectors.

method{“walk-down”, “fit”, “interpolate”}, optional

Spectral fitting method to use. The default method is ‘walk-down’ (starting at the peak, continue until reaching 1/e of the peak; this is the method used by the Heyer & Brunt works). See WidthEstimate1D for a description of all methods.

fit_plaw(xlow=None, xhigh=None, fit_method='odr', verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Fit the size-linewidth relation. This is done through Orthogonal Distance Regression (via scipy), or through MCMC (requires installing emcee).

xlowQuantity, optional

Lower spatial scale limit to consider in the fit.

xhighQuantity, optional

Upper spatial scale value limit to consider in the fit.

fit_method{‘odr’, ‘bayes’}, optional

Set the type of fitting to perform. Options are ‘odr’ (orthogonal distance regression) or ‘bayes’ (MCMC). Note that ‘bayes’ requires the emcee package to be installed.

verbosebool, optional

Prints out additional information about the fitting and plots the solution.


Passed to bayes_linear when fit_method is bayes.

input_data_header(data, header, need_copy=False)

Check if the header is given separately from the data type.


Intercept from the fits, converted out of the log value.

unitUnit, optional

The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the header.


One-sigma error bounds on the intercept.

unitUnit, optional

The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the header.


Try loading the beam from the header or a given object.

beamBeam, optional

The beam.

static load_results(pickle_file)

Load in a saved pickle file.


Name of filename to load in.

selfSave statistic class

Statistic instance with saved results.


Load saved results. >>> stat = Statistic.load_results(“stat_saved.pkl”) # doctest: +SKIP


Model with the fit parameters from fit_plaw


Create the noise autocorrelation function based off of the eigenvalues beyond PCA.n_eigs. By default the final 10 eigenvectors whose eigenvalues are above the machine precision limit of the data cube’s dtype are used.

n_eigsint, optional

The number of eigenvalues to use for estimating the noise ACF. The default is to use the last 10 eigenvectors.

plot_fit(save_name=None, show_cov_bar=True, show_sl_fit=True, n_eigs=None, color='r', fit_color='k', symbol='o', cov_cmap='viridis', spatial_unit=Unit('pix'), spectral_unit=Unit('pix'), show_residual=True)[source]

Plot the covariance matrix, bar plot of eigenvalues, and the fitted size-line width relation.

save_namestr, optional

Save name for the figure. Enables saving the plot.

show_cov_barbool, optional

Show the covariance matrix and eigenvalue variance bar plot.

show_sl_fitbool, optional

Show the size-line width relation, if fit.

n_eigsint, optional

Number of eigenvalues to show in the bar plot. Defaults to the automatically-set value (PCA.n_eigs).

color{str, RGB tuple}, optional

Color to use in the plots. Defaults to red.

fit_color{str, RBG tuple}, optional

Colour to show the fit line in. Defaults to color when None is given.

symbolstr, optional

Marker shape to plot the data.

cov_cmap{str, matplotlib colormap}, optional

Colormap to show the covariance matrix in.

show_residualbool, optional

Plot the fit residuals.

run(show_progress=True, verbose=False, save_name=None, mean_sub=False, decomp_only=False, n_eigs='auto', min_eigval=None, eigen_cut_method='value', spatial_method='contour', spectral_method='walk-down', xlow=None, xhigh=None, fit_method='odr', beam_fwhm=None, brunt_beamcorrect=True, spatial_output_unit=Unit('pix'), spectral_output_unit=Unit('pix'))[source]

Run the decomposition and fitting in one step.

show_progressbool, optional

Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix. Enabled by default.

verbosebool, optional

Enables plotting of the results.


Save the figure when a file name is given.

mean_subbool, optional

See compute_pca

decomp_onlybool, optional

Only run the PCA decomposition, not the entire procedure to derive the size-linewidth relation. This should be enabled when using PCA_Distance.

n_eigs{“auto”, int}, optional

See compute_pca

min_eigvalfloat, optional

See compute_pca

eigen_cut_method{‘proportion’, ‘value’}, optional

See compute_pca

spatial_methodstr, optional

See fit_spatial_widths.

spectral_methodstr, optional

See fit_spectral_widths.

xlowQuantity, optional

See fit_plaw.

xhighQuantity, optional

See fit_plaw.

fit_methodstr, optional

See fit_plaw.

beam_fwhmNone of Quantity, optional

See fit_spatial_widths.

brunt_beamcorrectbool, optional

See fit_spatial_widths.

spatial_output_unitastropy.units.Unit, optional

Pixel, anglular, or physical unit to convert the spatial sizes to when plotting. Defaults to pixels. Physical unit conversion requires a distance to be given.

spectral_output_unitastropy.units.Unit, optional

Pixel or spectral unit to convert spectral sizes to when plotting. Defaults to pixels. The spectral unit MUST match the spectral unit defined in the data cube.

save_results(output_name, keep_data=False)

Save the results of the SCF to avoid re-computing. The pickled file will not include the data cube by default.


Name of the outputted pickle file.

keep_databool, optional

Save the data cube in the pickle file when enabled.

sonic_length(T_k=<Quantity 10. K>, mu=1.36, use_gamma=True, unit=Unit("pix"))[source]

Estimate of the sonic length based on a given temperature. Uses the intercept from the fit.

Based on sonic.pro used in the Heyer & Brunt PCA implementation.

Because error from the MCMC fit need not be symmetric, the MCMC samples are needed to provide the correct CIs for the sonic length.

T_kQuantity, optional

Temperature given in units convertible to Kelvin.

mufloat, optional

Factor to multiply by m_H to account for He and metals.

use_gammabool, optional

Toggle whether to use gamma or index. See link given in gamma.


Value of the sonic length. If distance was provided, this will be in the units given in the distance. Otherwise, the result will be in pixel units.


The 1-sigma bounds on the sonic length. The units will match lambd.

unitUnit, optional

The spatial unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, an angular unit, or (if distance is given) a physical unit.


Spatial widths for the first n_eigs components.

unitUnit, optional

The spatial unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, an angular unit, or (if distance is given) a physical unit.


The 1-sigma error bounds on the spatial widths for the first n_eigs components.

unitUnit, optional

The spatial unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, an angular unit, or (if distance is given) a physical unit.


Spectral widths for the first n_eigs components.

unitUnit, optional

The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the header.


The error bounds on the spectral widths for the first n_eigs components.

unitUnit, optional

The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the header.