Source code for turbustat.statistics.pca.pca

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from warnings import warn

from ..base_statistic import BaseStatisticMixIn
from import common_types, threed_types, input_data, find_beam_width

# PCA utilities
from ..threeD_to_twoD import var_cov_cube
from .width_estimate import WidthEstimate1D, WidthEstimate2D

# Fitting utilities
from ..fitting_utils import bayes_linear, leastsq_linear

[docs] class PCA(BaseStatisticMixIn): ''' Implementation of Principal Component Analysis (Heyer & Brunt, 2002) Parameters ---------- cube : %(dtypes)s Data cube. n_eigs : int Deprecated. Input using `~PCA.compute_pca` or ``. distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Distance to object in physical units. The output spatial widths will be converted to the units given here. Examples -------- >>> from turbustat.statistics import PCA >>> from spectral_cube import SpectralCube >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cube ="adv.fits") # doctest: +SKIP >>> pca = PCA(cube, distance=250 * u.pc) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP ''' __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + threed_types)} def __init__(self, cube, n_eigs=None, distance=None): super(PCA, self).__init__(), self.header = input_data(cube) _enforce_velocity_axis(self) # We need to check for completely empty channels. These cause # issues for the decomposition of the covariance matrix (eigenvectors # will have significant imaginary components). # Now doing this on a per-channel basis in var_cov_cube # self._data[np.isnan(] = np.finfo( self.spectral_shape =[0] if n_eigs is not None: raise DeprecationWarning("Input of n_eigs is deprecated. Use " "inputs in `compute_pca` or `run`.") if distance is not None: self.distance = distance @property def n_eigs(self): return self._n_eigs @n_eigs.setter def n_eigs(self, value): if value <= 0: raise ValueError("n_eigs must be > 0.") self._n_eigs = value
[docs] def compute_pca(self, mean_sub=False, n_eigs='auto', min_eigval=None, eigen_cut_method='value', show_progress=True): ''' Create the covariance matrix and its eigenvalues. If `mean_sub` is disabled, the first eigenvalue is dominated by the mean of the data, not the variance. Parameters ---------- mean_sub : bool, optional When enabled, subtracts the means of the channels before calculating the covariance. By default, this is disabled to match the Heyer & Brunt method. n_eigs : {int, 'auto'}, optional Number of eigenvalues to compute. The default setting is 'auto', which requires `min_eigval` to be set. Otherwise, the number of eigenvalues used can be set using an int. Setting to -1 will use all of the eigenvalues. min_eigval : float, optional The cut-off value to determine the number of important eigenvalues. When `eigen_cut_method` is `proportional`, min_eigval is the total proportion of variance described up to the Nth eigenvalue. When `eigen_cut_method` is `value`, min_eigval is the minimum variance described by that eigenvalue. eigen_cut_method : {'proportion', 'value'}, optional Set whether `min_eigval` is the proportion of variance determined up to the Nth eigenvalue (`proportion`) or the minimum value of variance (`value`). show_progress : bool, optional Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix. ''' # Define the decomposition-only flag, if not yet set. Will get # overridden later if the size-line width relation is fit. if not hasattr(self, "_decomp_only"): self._decomp_only = True else: self._decomp_only = True if n_eigs == 'auto' and min_eigval is None: raise ValueError("min_eigval must be given when using " "n_eigs='auto'.") self.cov_matrix = var_cov_cube(, mean_sub=mean_sub, progress_bar=show_progress) all_eigsvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(self.cov_matrix) all_eigsvals = np.real_if_close(all_eigsvals) eigvecs = eigvecs[:, np.argsort(all_eigsvals)[::-1]] all_eigsvals = np.sort(all_eigsvals)[::-1] # Sort by maximum if n_eigs == 'auto': self.n_eigs = set_n_eigs(all_eigsvals, min_eigval, method=eigen_cut_method) elif n_eigs == -1: self.n_eigs = self.spectral_shape elif n_eigs < -1 or n_eigs > self.spectral_shape or n_eigs == 0: raise Warning("n_eigs must be less than the number of velocity" " channels ({}) or -1 for" " all".format(self.spectral_shape)) else: self.n_eigs = n_eigs if mean_sub: self._total_variance = np.sum(all_eigsvals) self._var_prop = np.sum(all_eigsvals[:self.n_eigs]) / \ self.total_variance else: self._total_variance = np.sum(all_eigsvals[1:]) self._var_prop = np.sum(all_eigsvals[1:self.n_eigs]) / \ self.total_variance self._eigvals = all_eigsvals self._eigvecs = eigvecs self._mean_sub = mean_sub
@property def var_proportion(self): ''' Proportion of variance described by the first `~PCA.n_eigs` eigenvalues. ''' return self._var_prop @property def total_variance(self): ''' Total variance of all eigenvalues. ''' return self._total_variance @property def eigvals(self): ''' All eigenvalues. ''' return self._eigvals @property def eigvecs(self): ''' All eigenvectors. ''' return self._eigvecs def _valid_eigenvectors(self): ''' Find the indices where the eigenvalues are above the machine precision limit of's dtype. This stops us from running into eigenvectors with significant imaginary components (which we expect to get for empty channels). ''' return np.where(self.eigvals >= np.finfo([0]
[docs] def eigimages(self, n_eigs=None): ''' Create eigenimages up to the n_eigs. Parameters ---------- n_eigs : None or int The number of eigenimages to create. When n_eigs is negative, the last -n_eig eigenimages are created. If None is given, the number in `~PCA.n_eigs` will be returned. Returns ------- eigimgs : `~numpy.ndarray` 3D array, where the first dimension if the number of eigenvalues. ''' if n_eigs is None: n_eigs = self.n_eigs if n_eigs > 0: iterat = range(n_eigs) elif n_eigs < 0: # We're looking for the noisy components whenever n_eigs < 0 # Find where we have valid eigenvalues, and use the last # n_eigs of those. iterat = self._valid_eigenvectors()[n_eigs:] for ct, idx in enumerate(iterat): eigimg = np.zeros([1:], dtype=float) for channel in range([0]): if self._mean_sub: mean_value = np.nanmean([channel]) eigimg += np.nan_to_num(([channel] - mean_value) * np.real_if_close( self.eigvecs[channel, idx])) else: eigimg += np.nan_to_num([channel] * np.real_if_close( self.eigvecs[channel, idx])) if ct == 0: eigimgs = eigimg else: eigimgs = np.dstack((eigimgs, eigimg)) if eigimgs.ndim == 3: return eigimgs.swapaxes(0, 2) else: return eigimgs
[docs] def autocorr_images(self, n_eigs=None): ''' Create the autocorrelation of the eigenimages. Parameters ---------- n_eigs : None or int The number of autocorrelation images to create. When n_eigs is negative, the last -n_eig autocorrelation images are created. If None is given, the number in `~PCA.n_eigs` will be returned. Returns ------- acors : np.ndarray 3D array, where the first dimension if the number of eigenvalues. ''' if n_eigs is None: n_eigs = self.n_eigs # Calculate the eigenimages eigimgs = self.eigimages(n_eigs=n_eigs) for idx, image in enumerate(eigimgs): fftx = np.fft.fft2(image) fftxs = np.conjugate(fftx) acor = np.fft.ifft2((fftx - fftx.mean()) * (fftxs - fftxs.mean())) acor = np.fft.fftshift(acor) if idx == 0: acors = acor.real else: acors = np.dstack((acors, acor.real)) if acors.ndim == 3: return acors.swapaxes(0, 2) else: return acors
[docs] def autocorr_spec(self, n_eigs=None): ''' Create the autocorrelation spectra of the eigenvectors. Parameters ---------- n_eigs : None or int The number of autocorrelation vectors to create. When n_eigs is negative, the last -n_eig autocorrelation vectors are created. If None is given, the number in `~PCA.n_eigs` will be returned. Returns ------- acors : np.ndarray 2D array, where the first dimension if the number of eigenvalues. ''' if n_eigs is None: n_eigs = self.n_eigs for idx in range(n_eigs): fftx = np.fft.fft(self.eigvecs[:, idx]) fftxs = np.conjugate(fftx) acor = np.fft.ifft((fftx - fftx.mean()) * (fftxs - fftxs.mean())) if idx == 0: acors = acor.real else: acors = np.dstack((acors, acor.real)) return acors.swapaxes(0, 1).squeeze()
[docs] def noise_ACF(self, n_eigs=-10): ''' Create the noise autocorrelation function based off of the eigenvalues beyond `PCA.n_eigs`. By default the final 10 eigenvectors **whose eigenvalues are above the machine precision limit of the data cube's dtype** are used. Parameters ---------- n_eigs : int, optional The number of eigenvalues to use for estimating the noise ACF. The default is to use the last 10 eigenvectors. ''' if n_eigs is None: n_eigs = self.n_eigs acors = self.autocorr_images(n_eigs=n_eigs) noise_ACF = np.nansum(acors, axis=0) / float(n_eigs) return noise_ACF
[docs] def find_spatial_widths(self, method='contour', brunt_beamcorrect=True, beam_fwhm=None, distance=None, diagnosticplots=False, **fit_kwargs): ''' Derive the spatial widths using the autocorrelation of the eigenimages. Parameters ---------- methods : {'contour', 'fit', 'interpolate', 'xinterpolate'}, optional Spatial fitting method to use. The default method is 'contour' (fits an ellipse to the 1/e contour about the peak; this is the method used by the Heyer & Brunt works). See `~turbustat.statistics.pca.WidthEstimate2D` for a description of all methods. brunt_beamcorrect : bool, optional Apply the beam correction described in Chris Brunt's `thesis <>`_. A beam will be searched for in the given header (looking for "BMAJ"). If this fails, the value must be given in `beam_fwhm` with angular units. beam_fwhm : None of `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional When beam correction is enabled, the FWHM beam size can be given here. distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Distance to object in physical units. The output spatial widths will be converted to the units given here. diagnosticplots : bool, optional Plot the first 9 autocorrelation images with the contour fits. *Only implemented for* `method='contour'`. fit_kwargs : dict, optional Used when method is 'contour'. Passed to `turbustat.statistics.stats_utils.EllipseModel.estimate_stderrs`. ''' # Try reading beam width from the header is it is not given. if brunt_beamcorrect: if beam_fwhm is None: beam_fwhm = find_beam_width(self.header) acors = self.autocorr_images(n_eigs=self.n_eigs) noise_ACF = self.noise_ACF() self._spatial_width, self._spatial_width_error = \ WidthEstimate2D(acors, noise_ACF=noise_ACF, method=method, brunt_beamcorrect=brunt_beamcorrect, beam_fwhm=beam_fwhm, spatial_cdelt=self._ang_size, diagnosticplots=diagnosticplots, **fit_kwargs) self._spatial_width = self._spatial_width * u.pix self._spatial_width_error = self._spatial_width_error * u.pix
[docs] def spatial_width(self, unit=u.pix): ''' Spatial widths for the first `~PCA.n_eigs` components. Parameters ---------- unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional The spatial unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, an angular unit, or (if distance is given) a physical unit. ''' return self._spatial_unit_conversion(self._spatial_width, unit)
[docs] def spatial_width_error(self, unit=u.pix): ''' The 1-sigma error bounds on the spatial widths for the first `~PCA.n_eigs` components. Parameters ---------- unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional The spatial unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, an angular unit, or (if distance is given) a physical unit. ''' return self._spatial_unit_conversion(self._spatial_width_error, unit)
[docs] def find_spectral_widths(self, method='walk-down'): ''' Derive the spectral widths using the autocorrelation of the eigenvectors. Parameters ---------- method : {"walk-down", "fit", "interpolate"}, optional Spectral fitting method to use. The default method is 'walk-down' (starting at the peak, continue until reaching 1/e of the peak; this is the method used by the Heyer & Brunt works). See `~turbustat.statistics.pca.WidthEstimate1D` for a description of all methods. ''' acorr_spec = self.autocorr_spec(n_eigs=self.n_eigs) self._spectral_width, self._spectral_width_error = \ WidthEstimate1D(acorr_spec, method=method) self._spectral_width = self._spectral_width * u.pix self._spectral_width_error = self._spectral_width_error * u.pix
[docs] def spectral_width(self, unit=u.pix): ''' Spectral widths for the first `~PCA.n_eigs` components. Parameters ---------- unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the `~PCA.header`. ''' return self._to_spectral(self._spectral_width, unit)
[docs] def spectral_width_error(self, unit=u.pix): ''' The error bounds on the spectral widths for the first `~PCA.n_eigs` components. Parameters ---------- unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the `~PCA.header`. ''' return self._to_spectral(self._spectral_width_error, unit)
[docs] def fit_plaw(self, xlow=None, xhigh=None, fit_method='odr', verbose=False, **kwargs): ''' Fit the size-linewidth relation. This is done through Orthogonal Distance Regression (via scipy), or through MCMC (requires installing `emcee <>`_). Parameters ---------- xlow : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Lower spatial scale limit to consider in the fit. xhigh : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Upper spatial scale value limit to consider in the fit. fit_method : {'odr', 'bayes'}, optional Set the type of fitting to perform. Options are 'odr' (orthogonal distance regression) or 'bayes' (MCMC). Note that 'bayes' requires the emcee package to be installed. verbose : bool, optional Prints out additional information about the fitting and plots the solution. **kwargs Passed to `~turbustat.statistics.fitting_utils.bayes_linear` when fit_method is bayes. ''' # Set the decomposition flag to False if not defined yet if not hasattr(self, "_decomp_only"): self._decomp_only = False else: self._decomp_only = False if fit_method != 'odr' and fit_method != 'bayes': raise TypeError("fit_method must be 'odr' or 'bayes'.") # Hang on to this. We can't propagate the asymmetric errors when using # MCMC in sonic_length, and the laziest way is just to keep the samples # around, and estimate CIs directly. self._fit_method = fit_method x = np.log10(self.spatial_width().value) # Set limits on scales to consider for the fit if xlow is not None: if not isinstance(xlow, u.Quantity): raise TypeError("xlow must be an astropy.units.Quantity.") # Convert xlow into the same units as the lags xlow = self._to_pixel(xlow) self._xlow = xlow lower_limit = x >= np.log10(xlow.value) else: lower_limit = \ np.ones_like(x, dtype=bool) self._xlow = np.nanmin(self.spatial_width()) if xhigh is not None: if not isinstance(xhigh, u.Quantity): raise TypeError("xlow must be an astropy.units.Quantity.") # Convert xhigh into the same units as the lags xhigh = self._to_pixel(xhigh) self._xhigh = xhigh upper_limit = x <= np.log10(xhigh.value) else: upper_limit = \ np.ones_like(x, dtype=bool) self._xhigh = np.nanmax(self.spatial_width()) within_limits = np.logical_and(lower_limit, upper_limit) if not within_limits.any(): raise ValueError("Limits have removed all lag values. Make xlow" " and xhigh less restrictive.") # Only keep the width estimations that worked are_finite = np.isfinite(self.spectral_width()) * \ np.isfinite(self.spatial_width()) * \ np.isfinite(self.spatial_width_error()) * \ np.isfinite(self.spectral_width_error()) fit_mask = np.logical_and(within_limits, are_finite) # Check to make sure there are enough points to fit to (minimum 2). num_pts = self.spectral_width().size - (~fit_mask).sum() if num_pts < 2: raise Warning("Less then 2 valid points. Cannot fit model.") elif num_pts < 5: warn("There are less than 5 points to fit to. The fit will not be" " well constrained and results should be closely examined.") y = np.log10(self.spectral_width()[fit_mask].value) x = np.log10(self.spatial_width()[fit_mask].value) y_err = 0.434 * self.spectral_width_error()[fit_mask].value / \ self.spectral_width()[fit_mask].value x_err = 0.434 * self.spatial_width_error()[fit_mask].value / \ self.spatial_width()[fit_mask].value if fit_method == 'odr': params, errors = leastsq_linear(x, y, x_err, y_err, verbose=verbose) # Turn into +/- range values, as would be returned by the MCMC fit errors = np.vstack([params - errors, params + errors]).T else: params, errors, samps = bayes_linear(x, y, x_err, y_err, verbose=verbose, return_samples=True, **kwargs) self._samps = samps self._index = params[0] self._index_error_range = errors[0] # Take the intercept out of log scale self._intercept = 10 ** params[1] * self._spectral_width.unit self._intercept_error_range = 10 ** errors[1] * \ self._spectral_width.unit
@property def index(self): ''' Power-law index. ''' return self._index @property def index_error_range(self): ''' One-sigma error bounds on the index. ''' return self._index_error_range @property def gamma(self): ''' Slope of the size-linewidth relation with correction from `Brunt & Heyer 2002 <>`_ ''' return float(brunt_index_correct(self.index)) @property def gamma_error_range(self): ''' One-sigma error bounds on gamma. ''' return brunt_index_correct_range(*self.index_error_range)
[docs] def intercept(self, unit=u.pix): ''' Intercept from the fits, converted out of the log value. Parameters ---------- unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the `~PCA.header`. ''' return self._to_spectral(self._intercept, unit)
[docs] def intercept_error_range(self, unit=u.pix): ''' One-sigma error bounds on the intercept. Parameters ---------- unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional The spectral unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, or a spectral unit equivalent to the unit specified in the `~PCA.header`. ''' return self._to_spectral(self._intercept_error_range, unit)
[docs] def model(self, x): ''' Model with the fit parameters from `~PCA.fit_plaw` ''' return self.index * x + np.log10(self.intercept)
[docs] def sonic_length(self, T_k=10 * u.K, mu=1.36, use_gamma=True, unit=u.pix): ''' Estimate of the sonic length based on a given temperature. Uses the intercept from the fit. Based on used in the Heyer & Brunt PCA implementation. Because error from the MCMC fit need not be symmetric, the MCMC samples are needed to provide the correct CIs for the sonic length. Parameters ---------- T_k : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Temperature given in units convertible to Kelvin. mu : float, optional Factor to multiply by m_H to account for He and metals. use_gamma : bool, optional Toggle whether to use `~PCA.gamma` or `~PCA.index`. See link given in `~PCA.gamma`. Returns ------- lambd : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Value of the sonic length. If distance was provided, this will be in the units given in the distance. Otherwise, the result will be in pixel units. lambd_error_range : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The 1-sigma bounds on the sonic length. The units will match lambd. unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional The spatial unit to convert the widths to. Can be in pixels, an angular unit, or (if distance is given) a physical unit. ''' import astropy.constants as const try: T_k = except u.UnitConversionError: raise u.UnitConversionError("Cannot convert T_k to Kelvin.") # Sound speed in m/s c_s = np.sqrt(const.k_B.decompose() * T_k / (mu * const.m_p)) # Convert to the same spectral unit c_s = self._to_spectral(c_s, u.pix) if use_gamma: index = self.gamma index_error_range = self.gamma_error_range else: index = self.index index_error_range = self.index_error_range lambd = np.power(c_s / self.intercept(), 1. / index).value if self._fit_method == 'odr': # Added in quadrature and simplified index_err = np.abs(index - index_error_range[0]) intercept_err = 0.434 * np.abs(self.intercept() - self.intercept_error_range()[0]) / \ self.intercept() term1 = np.log10(c_s / self.intercept()) * \ (index_err / index) term2 = intercept_err / self.intercept() lambd_error = (lambd / index) * \ np.sqrt(term1.value**2 + term2.value**2) lambd_error_range = np.array([lambd - lambd_error, lambd + lambd_error]) else: # Don't propagate asymmetric errors in quadrature! Instead, # calculate CI directly from the samples. percentiles = [15, 85] slopes = self._samps[0] intercepts = self._samps[1] if use_gamma: slopes = np.array([brunt_index_correct(slope) for slope in slopes]) all_lambds = np.power(c_s / 10 ** intercepts, 1. / index) lambd_error_range = np.percentile(all_lambds, percentiles) # Convert to specified units. lambd = self._spatial_unit_conversion(lambd * u.pix, unit) lambd_error_range = \ self._spatial_unit_conversion(lambd_error_range * u.pix, unit) return lambd, lambd_error_range
[docs] def plot_fit(self, save_name=None, show_cov_bar=True, show_sl_fit=True, n_eigs=None, color='r', fit_color='k', symbol='o', cov_cmap='viridis', spatial_unit=u.pix, spectral_unit=u.pix, show_residual=True): ''' Plot the covariance matrix, bar plot of eigenvalues, and the fitted size-line width relation. Parameters ---------- save_name : str, optional Save name for the figure. Enables saving the plot. show_cov_bar : bool, optional Show the covariance matrix and eigenvalue variance bar plot. show_sl_fit : bool, optional Show the size-line width relation, if fit. n_eigs : int, optional Number of eigenvalues to show in the bar plot. Defaults to the automatically-set value (`PCA.n_eigs`). color : {str, RGB tuple}, optional Color to use in the plots. Defaults to red. fit_color : {str, RBG tuple}, optional Colour to show the fit line in. Defaults to `color` when `None` is given. symbol : str, optional Marker shape to plot the data. cov_cmap : {str, matplotlib colormap}, optional Colormap to show the covariance matrix in. show_residual : bool, optional Plot the fit residuals. ''' if self._decomp_only and show_sl_fit: warn("Size-line width fit not performed. Disabling show_sl_fit.") show_sl_fit = False import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable if show_cov_bar: if show_sl_fit: plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) else: plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=4, colspan=2) im1 = plt.imshow(self.cov_matrix, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", cmap=cov_cmap) divider = make_axes_locatable(plt.gca()) cax = divider.append_axes("right", "5%", pad="3%") cb = plt.colorbar(im1, cax=cax) cb.set_label("Covariance") if show_sl_fit: plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (2, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) else: plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 2), rowspan=4, colspan=2) if n_eigs is None: n_eigs = self.n_eigs, self.n_eigs + 1), self.eigvals[:n_eigs], 0.5, color=color) plt.xlim([0, n_eigs + 1]) plt.xlabel('Eigenvalues') plt.ylabel('Variance') if show_sl_fit: if fit_color is None: fit_color = color if show_cov_bar: if show_residual: plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 2), rowspan=3, colspan=2) else: plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 2), rowspan=4, colspan=2) else: if show_residual: plt.subplot2grid((4, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=3, colspan=1) else: plt.subplot(111) spatial_width = self.spatial_width(unit=spatial_unit) spatial_width_error = self.spatial_width_error(unit=spatial_unit) spectral_width = self.spectral_width(unit=spectral_unit) spectral_width_error = \ self.spectral_width_error(unit=spectral_unit) plt.errorbar(np.log10(spatial_width.value), np.log10(spectral_width.value), xerr=0.434 * spatial_width_error / spatial_width, yerr=0.434 * spectral_width_error / spectral_width, fmt=symbol, color=color) # Show fitting extents xlow = self._spatial_unit_conversion(self._xlow, spatial_unit).value xhigh = self._spatial_unit_conversion(self._xhigh, spatial_unit).value plt.axvline(np.log10(xlow), color=fit_color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-.') plt.axvline(np.log10(xhigh), color=fit_color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-.') plt.ylabel("log Linewidth / " "{}".format(spectral_width.unit.to_string())) plt.grid() xvals = np.linspace(np.log10(np.nanmin(spatial_width).value), np.log10(np.nanmax(spatial_width).value), spatial_width.size * 10) xvals_pix = \ np.linspace(np.log10(np.nanmin(self.spatial_width(u.pix).value)), np.log10(np.nanmax(self.spatial_width(u.pix).value)), spatial_width.size * 10) intercept = self.intercept(unit=u.pix) spec_conv = self._to_spectral(1 * u.pix, spectral_unit).value plt.plot(xvals, np.log10(10**(self.index * xvals_pix + np.log10(intercept.value)) * spec_conv), '-', color=fit_color) # Some very large error bars makes it difficult to see the model # Limit the range shown in the plot. x_range = \ np.ptp(np.log10(spatial_width.value) [np.isfinite(spatial_width)]) y_range = \ np.ptp(np.log10(spectral_width.value) [np.isfinite(spectral_width)]) plt.xlim([np.log10(np.nanmin(spatial_width.value)) - y_range / 4, np.log10(np.nanmax(spatial_width.value)) + y_range / 4]) plt.ylim([np.log10(np.nanmin(spectral_width.value)) - x_range / 4, np.log10(np.nanmax(spectral_width.value)) + x_range / 4]) if show_residual: if show_cov_bar: plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (3, 2), rowspan=1, colspan=2) else: plt.subplot2grid((4, 1), (3, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=1) x_log_pix = np.log10(self.spatial_width(u.pix).value) resids = np.log10(spectral_width.value) - \ np.log10(10**(self.index * x_log_pix + np.log10(intercept.value)) * spec_conv) plt.errorbar(np.log10(spatial_width.value), resids, xerr=0.434 * spatial_width_error / spatial_width, yerr=0.434 * spectral_width_error / spectral_width, fmt='o', color=color) plt.grid() plt.axvline(np.log10(xlow), color=fit_color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-.') plt.axvline(np.log10(xhigh), color=fit_color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-.') plt.axhline(0., color=fit_color) plt.ylabel("Residuals") plt.xlim([np.log10(np.nanmin(spatial_width.value)) - y_range / 4, np.log10(np.nanmax(spatial_width.value)) + y_range / 4]) plt.xlabel("log Spatial Length / " "{}".format(spatial_width.unit.to_string())) plt.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else:
[docs] def run(self, show_progress=True, verbose=False, save_name=None, mean_sub=False, decomp_only=False, n_eigs='auto', min_eigval=None, eigen_cut_method='value', spatial_method='contour', spectral_method='walk-down', xlow=None, xhigh=None, fit_method='odr', beam_fwhm=None, brunt_beamcorrect=True, spatial_output_unit=u.pix, spectral_output_unit=u.pix): ''' Run the decomposition and fitting in one step. Parameters ---------- show_progress : bool, optional Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix. Enabled by default. verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting of the results. save_name : str,optional Save the figure when a file name is given. mean_sub : bool, optional See `~PCA.compute_pca` decomp_only : bool, optional Only run the PCA decomposition, not the entire procedure to derive the size-linewidth relation. This should be enabled when using PCA_Distance. n_eigs : {"auto", int}, optional See `~PCA.compute_pca` min_eigval : float, optional See `~PCA.compute_pca` eigen_cut_method : {'proportion', 'value'}, optional See `~PCA.compute_pca` spatial_method : str, optional See `~PCA.fit_spatial_widths`. spectral_method : str, optional See `~PCA.fit_spectral_widths`. xlow : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional See `~PCA.fit_plaw`. xhigh : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional See `~PCA.fit_plaw`. fit_method : str, optional See `~PCA.fit_plaw`. beam_fwhm : None of `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional See `~PCA.fit_spatial_widths`. brunt_beamcorrect : bool, optional See `~PCA.fit_spatial_widths`. spatial_output_unit : `astropy.units.Unit`, optional Pixel, anglular, or physical unit to convert the spatial sizes to when plotting. Defaults to pixels. Physical unit conversion requires a distance to be given. spectral_output_unit : `astropy.units.Unit`, optional Pixel or spectral unit to convert spectral sizes to when plotting. Defaults to pixels. The spectral unit *MUST* match the spectral unit defined in the data cube. ''' # Check if the beam can be loaded. Otherwise, turn off the beam # correction before computing the covariance matrix if beam_fwhm is None and brunt_beamcorrect and not decomp_only: try: beam_fwhm = find_beam_width(self.header) # Don't check for type. Otherwise I need to check if radio_beam # is installed. except Exception: raise ValueError("Cannot load beam size from the header. " "Please give the beam FWHM or set " "`brunt_beamcorrect=False`.") self.compute_pca(mean_sub=mean_sub, n_eigs=n_eigs, min_eigval=min_eigval, eigen_cut_method=eigen_cut_method, show_progress=show_progress) self._decomp_only = decomp_only # Run rest of the analysis if not decomp_only: self.find_spatial_widths(method=spatial_method, beam_fwhm=beam_fwhm, brunt_beamcorrect=brunt_beamcorrect) self.find_spectral_widths(method=spectral_method) self.fit_plaw(xlow=xlow, xhigh=xhigh, fit_method=fit_method) if verbose: print('Proportion of Variance kept: %s' % (self.var_proportion)) if not decomp_only: print("Index: {0:.2f} ({1:.2f}, {2:.2f})" .format(self.index, *self.index_error_range)) print("Gamma: {0:.2f} ({1:.2f}, {2:.2f})" .format(self.gamma, *self.gamma_error_range)) # Compute sonic length assuming 10 K T_k = 10. * u.K sl, sl_range = self.sonic_length(T_k=T_k) print("Sonic length: {0:.3e} ({4:.3e}, {5:.3e}) {1} at {2} {3}" .format(sl.value, sl.unit.to_string(), T_k.value, T_k.unit.to_string(), *sl_range.value)) self.plot_fit(save_name=save_name, show_sl_fit=not decomp_only, spatial_unit=spatial_output_unit, spectral_unit=spectral_output_unit) return self
[docs] class PCA_Distance(object): ''' Compare two data cubes based on the eigenvalues of the PCA decomposition. The distance is the Euclidean distance between the eigenvalues. Parameters ---------- cube1 : %(dtypes)s or `~PCA` Data cube. Or a `~PCA` class can be given which may be pre-computed. cube2 : %(dtypes)s or `~PCA` Data cube. Or a `~PCA` class can be given which may be pre-computed. n_eigs : int Number of eigenvalues to compute. fiducial_model : PCA Computed PCA object. Use to avoid recomputing. mean_sub : bool, optional Subtracts the mean before computing the covariance matrix. Not subtracting the mean is done in the original Heyer & Brunt works. ''' __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + threed_types)} def __init__(self, cube1, cube2, n_eigs=50, fiducial_model=None, mean_sub=True): super(PCA_Distance, self).__init__() if n_eigs == 'auto': raise ValueError("'auto' n_eigs mode is disabled for distance " "computation. The metric requires having the same" " number of eigenvalues to compare.") # if fiducial_model is not None: # self.pca1 = fiducial_model if isinstance(cube1, PCA): self.pca1 = cube1 needs_run = False # Set the number of eigvals. This is fine b/c we keep # all of them, even if they're not used. if not hasattr(self.pca1, 'eigvals'): needs_run = True warn("PCA given as cube1 does not have eigenvalues" " defined. Re-running PCA decomposition.") else: self.pca1.n_eigs = n_eigs if n_eigs >= self.pca1.eigvals.size: raise ValueError("n_eigs exceeds the total number of " "spectral channel for the class given " "as `cube1`. Choose a smaller `n_eigs`.") else: self.pca1 = PCA(cube1) needs_run = True if needs_run:, n_eigs=n_eigs, decomp_only=True) if isinstance(cube2, PCA): self.pca2 = cube2 needs_run = False # Set the number of eigvals. This is fine b/c we keep # all of them, even if they're not used. if not hasattr(self.pca2, 'eigvals'): needs_run = True warn("PCA given as cube2 does not have eigenvalues" " defined. Re-running PCA decomposition.") else: self.pca2.n_eigs = n_eigs if n_eigs >= self.pca2.eigvals.size: raise ValueError("n_eigs exceeds the total number of " "spectral channel for the class given " "as `cube2`. Choose a smaller `n_eigs`.") else: self.pca2 = PCA(cube2) needs_run = True if needs_run:, n_eigs=n_eigs, decomp_only=True) self._mean_sub = mean_sub self._n_eigs = n_eigs
[docs] def distance_metric(self, verbose=False, save_name=None, plot_kwargs1={}, plot_kwargs2={}, cmap='viridis'): ''' Computes the distance between the cubes. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. save_name : str, optional Save the figure when a file name is given. plot_kwargs1 : dict, optional Set the color, symbol, and label for dataset1 (e.g., plot_kwargs1={'color': 'b', 'symbol': 'D', 'label': '1'}). plot_kwargs2 : dict, optional Set the color, symbol, and label for dataset2. cmap : str, optional The colormap to use when plotting the covariance matrices. ''' # The eigenvalues need to be normalized before being compared. If # mean_sub is False, the first eigenvalue is not used. if self._mean_sub: slicer = slice(0, self._n_eigs) else: slicer = slice(1, self._n_eigs) eigvals1 = self.pca1.eigvals[slicer] / \ np.sum(self.pca1.eigvals[slicer]) eigvals2 = self.pca2.eigvals[slicer] / \ np.sum(self.pca2.eigvals[slicer]) self.distance = np.linalg.norm(eigvals1 - eigvals2) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt defaults1 = {'color': 'b', 'symbol': 'D', 'label': '1'} defaults2 = {'color': 'g', 'symbol': 'o', 'label': '2'} for key in defaults1: if key not in plot_kwargs1: plot_kwargs1[key] = defaults1[key] for key in defaults2: if key not in plot_kwargs2: plot_kwargs2[key] = defaults2[key] if 'xunit' in plot_kwargs1: del plot_kwargs1['xunit'] if 'xunit' in plot_kwargs2: del plot_kwargs2['xunit'] print("Proportions of total variance: 1 - %0.3f, 2 - %0.3f" % (self.pca1.var_proportion, self.pca2.var_proportion)) plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.imshow(self.pca1.cov_matrix, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", vmin=np.median(self.pca1.cov_matrix)) plt.colorbar() plt.title(plot_kwargs1['label']) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3), len(eigvals1) + 1), eigvals1, 0.5, color=plot_kwargs1['color']) plt.xlim([0, self.pca1.n_eigs + 1]) plt.xlabel('Eigenvalues') plt.ylabel("Proportion of Variance") plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.imshow( self.pca2.cov_matrix, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", vmin=np.median(self.pca2.cov_matrix)) plt.colorbar() plt.title(plot_kwargs2['label']) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4), len(eigvals2) + 1), eigvals2, 0.5, color=plot_kwargs2['color']) plt.xlim([0, self.pca2.n_eigs + 1]) plt.xlabel('Eigenvalues') plt.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else: return self
def brunt_index_correct(alpha): ''' Apply empirical corrections from Heyer & Brunt Using the empirical correction from Brunt & Heyer 2002a, where .. math:: \alpha = (0.33 \pm 0.04)\beta -(0.05 \pm 0.08) :math:`\beta` is the index of the integrated velocity spectrum. This is Equation 4.1. The relation to the velocity structure index is: .. math:: \beta = 2\gamma + 1 Then the conversion to :math:`\gamma` is: .. math:: \gamma = (1.5 \pm 0.18) \alpha - (0.19 \pm 0.20) These values are based off a broken linear fit in Section 3.3.1 from Chris Brunt's thesis. These are based off calibrating against uniform density field's with different indices. ''' # term1 = 1.52 * alpha # term1_err = term1 * np.sqrt((0.18 / 1.52)**2 + (alpha_err / alpha)**2) return 1.52 * alpha - 0.19 def brunt_index_correct_range(alpha_low, alpha_up): ''' Upper and low error ranges. See `brunt_index_correct`. ''' return (1.52 - 0.18) * alpha_low - (0.19 + 0.2), \ (1.52 + 0.18) * alpha_up - (0.19 - 0.2) def set_n_eigs(eigenvalues, min_eigval, method='value'): ''' Based on a minimum eigenvalue, find the number of components to consider. The cut-off may be the proportion of variance (method='proportion') or a minimum value for the variance (method='value') Parameters ---------- eigenvalues : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of eigenvalues. min_eigval : float Value to determine the cut-off for important eigenvalues. method : {"value", "proportion"}, optional If `value`, `min_eigval` is the smallest eigenvalue to consider important. If `proportion`, `min_eigval` is the proportion of variance at which to cut at (i.e., 0.99 for 99%). Returns ------- above.size : int The number of eigenvalues satisfying the given criteria. ''' if method == "value": above = np.where(eigenvalues >= min_eigval)[0] return above.size elif method == "proportion": cumulative = np.cumsum(eigenvalues / eigenvalues.sum()) above = np.where(cumulative <= min_eigval)[0] if above.size == 0: # The first one has a greater proportion than the limit. # Set to 1 return 1 else: return above.size else: raise ValueError("method must be 'value' or 'proportion'.") def _enforce_velocity_axis(pca_obj): ''' Enforce spectral_size be in velocity units. ''' if not pca_obj._spectral_size.unit.is_equivalent(u.m / u.s): raise Warning("PCA requires the spectral axis to be in velocity units." " If using a spectral cube, perform this conversion with" " 'cube_vel = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.m / u.s, " "rest_value=113 * u.GHz)', changing to the appropriate" " rest frequency and desired velocity unit.")