Source code for turbustat.statistics.pca.width_estimate

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline, interp1d
from astropy.modeling import fitting, models
from astropy.modeling import models as astropy_models
from scipy.signal import argrelmin
import astropy.units as u
from matplotlib.path import Path
from skimage.measure import find_contours
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates

from ..stats_utils import EllipseModel

[docs] def WidthEstimate2D(inList, method='contour', noise_ACF=0, diagnosticplots=False, brunt_beamcorrect=True, beam_fwhm=None, spatial_cdelt=None, **fit_kwargs): """ Estimate spatial widths from a set of autocorrelation images. .. warning:: Error estimation is not implemented for `interpolate` or `xinterpolate`. Parameters ---------- inList: {list of 2D `~numpy.ndarray`s, 3D `~numpy.ndarray} The list of autocorrelation images. method: {'contour', 'fit', 'interpolate', 'xinterpolate'}, optional The width estimation method to use. `contour` fits an ellipse to the 1/e contour about the peak. `fit` fits a 2D Gaussian to the peak. `interpolate` and `xinterpolate` both estimate the 1/e level from interpolating the data onto a finer grid near the center. `xinterpolate` first fits a 2D Gaussian to estimate the radial distances about the peak. noise_ACF: {float, 2D `~numpy.ndarray`}, optional The noise autocorrelation function to subtract from the autocorrelation images. This is typically produced by the last few eigenimages, whose structure should consistent of irreducible noise. diagnosticplots: bool, optional Show diagnostic plots for the first 9 autocorrelation images showing the goodness of fit (for the gaussian estimator) or ??? (presently nothing) for the others. brunt_beamcorrect : bool, optional Apply the beam correction. When enabled, the beam size must be given. beam_fwhm : None or astropy.units.Quantity The FWHM beam width in angular units. Must be given when using `brunt_beamcorrect`. spatial_cdelt : {None, astropy.units.Quantity}, optional The angular scale of a pixel in the given data. Must be given when using brunt_beamcorrect. fit_kwargs : dict, optional Used when method is 'contour'. Passed to `turbustat.statistics.stats_utils.EllipseModel.estimate_stderrs`. Returns ------- scales : array The array of estimated scales with length len(inList) or the 0th dimension size if `inList` is a 3D array. scale_errors : array Uncertainty estimations on the scales. """ allowed_methods = ['fit', 'interpolate', 'xinterpolate', 'contour'] if method not in allowed_methods: raise ValueError("Method must be 'fit', 'interpolate', 'xinterpolate'" " or 'contour'.") y_scales = np.zeros(len(inList)) x_scales = np.zeros(len(inList)) y_scale_errors = np.zeros(len(inList)) x_scale_errors = np.zeros(len(inList)) # set up the x/y grid just once z = inList[0] # NOTE: previous versions were dividing by an extra factor of 2! x = fft.fftfreq(z.shape[0]) * z.shape[0] y = fft.fftfreq(z.shape[1]) * z.shape[1] xmat, ymat = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') xmat = np.fft.fftshift(xmat) ymat = np.fft.fftshift(ymat) rmat = (xmat**2 + ymat**2)**0.5 for idx, zraw in enumerate(inList): z = zraw - noise_ACF if method == 'fit': output, cov = fit_2D_gaussian(xmat, ymat, z) y_scales[idx] = output.y_stddev_0.value x_scales[idx] = output.x_stddev_0.value errs = np.sqrt(np.abs(cov.diagonal())) # Order in the cov matrix is given by the order of parameters in # model.param_names. But amplitude and the means are fixed, so in # this case they are the first 2. y_scale_errors[idx] = errs[1] x_scale_errors[idx] = errs[0] if diagnosticplots and idx < 9: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, idx + 1) ax.imshow(z, cmap='afmhot') ax.contour(output(xmat, ymat), levels=np.array([0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]) * z.max(), colors=['c'] * 3) # elif method == 'interpolate': warn("Error estimation not implemented for interpolation!") rvec = rmat.ravel() zvec = z.ravel() zvec /= zvec.max() sortidx = np.argsort(zvec) rvec = rvec[sortidx] zvec = zvec[sortidx] dz = int(len(zvec) / 100.) spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(zvec, rvec, zvec[dz:-dz:dz]) x_scales[idx] = spl(np.exp(-1)) / np.sqrt(2) y_scales[idx] = spl(np.exp(-1)) / np.sqrt(2) # Need to implement some error estimation x_scale_errors[idx] = 0.0 y_scale_errors[idx] = 0.0 elif method == 'xinterpolate': warn("Error estimation not implemented for interpolation!") output, cov = fit_2D_gaussian(xmat, ymat, z) try: aspect = output.y_stddev_0.value[0] / output.x_stddev_0.value[0] theta = output.theta_0.value[0] except IndexError: # raised with astropy >v3.3 (current dev.) aspect = output.y_stddev_0.value / output.x_stddev_0.value theta = output.theta_0.value rmat = ((xmat * np.cos(theta) + ymat * np.sin(theta))**2 + (-xmat * np.sin(theta) + ymat * np.cos(theta))**2 * aspect**2)**0.5 rvec = rmat.ravel() zvec = z.ravel() zvec /= zvec.max() sortidx = np.argsort(zvec) rvec = rvec[sortidx] zvec = zvec[sortidx] dz = int(len(zvec) / 100.) spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(zvec, rvec, zvec[dz:-dz:dz]) x_scales[idx] = spl(np.exp(-1)) / np.sqrt(2) y_scales[idx] = spl(np.exp(-1)) / np.sqrt(2) # Need to implement some error estimation x_scale_errors[idx] = 0.0 y_scale_errors[idx] = 0.0 elif method == 'contour': znorm = z znorm /= znorm.max() level = np.exp(-1) paths = get_contour_path(xmat, ymat, znorm, level, idx) # Only points that contain the origin if len(paths) > 0: pidx = np.where([p.contains_point((0, 0)) for p in paths])[0] if pidx.shape[0] > 0: good_path = paths[pidx[0]] output = fit_2D_ellipse(good_path.vertices, **fit_kwargs) (y_scales[idx], x_scales[idx], y_scale_errors[idx], x_scale_errors[idx], ellip) = output else: y_scales[idx] = np.nan x_scales[idx] = np.nan y_scale_errors[idx] = np.nan x_scale_errors[idx] = np.nan ellip = None else: y_scales[idx] = np.nan x_scales[idx] = np.nan y_scale_errors[idx] = np.nan x_scale_errors[idx] = np.nan ellip = None if diagnosticplots and idx < 9 and ellip is not None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, idx + 1) ax.imshow(z, cmap='afmhot') ax.contour(z, levels=np.array([np.exp(-1)]) * z.max(), colors='c') full_params = np.array([0, 0, ellip.params[2], ellip.params[3], ellip.params[-1]]) pts = ellip.predict_xy(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi), params=full_params) ax.plot(pts[:, 1] + z.shape[1] // 2, pts[:, 0] + z.shape[0] // 2, "g--") ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_title("{}".format(idx + 1)) if diagnosticplots: plt.tight_layout() if brunt_beamcorrect: if beam_fwhm is None or spatial_cdelt is None: raise ValueError("beam_fwhm and spatial_cdelt must be" " given when 'brunt_beamcorrect' is " "enabled.") # Quantities must be in angular units try: beam_fwhm = except u.UnitConversionError: raise u.UnitConversionError("beam_fwhm must be in angular" " units.") try: spatial_cdelt = np.abs( except u.UnitConversionError: raise u.UnitConversionError("spatial_cdelt must be in " "angular units.") # We need the number of pixels across 1 FWHM # Since it's just being used in the formula below, I don't # think rounding to the nearest int is needed. pix_per_beam = beam_fwhm.value / spatial_cdelt.value / \ np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) / np.sqrt(2) # Using the definition from Chris Brunt's thesis for a gaussian # beam. Note that the IDL code has: # e=(3./((kappa+2)*(kappa+3.)))^(1./kappa) # deltay[i]=(p[i,0]^kappa-(e*1.0)^kappa)^(1./kappa) # deltaz[i]=(p[i,1]^kappa-(e*1.0)^kappa)^(1./kappa) # I think the (e * 1.0) term is where the beam size should be # used, which is what is used here. # For an exponential ACF kappa = 1. e = np.power(3. / ((kappa + 2.) * (kappa + 3.)), 1 / kappa) # This is the other form that appears in the thesis. # e = 0.65 + 0.1 * kappa y_term1 = np.power(y_scales, kappa) x_term1 = np.power(x_scales, kappa) term2 = np.power(e * pix_per_beam, kappa) y_scale_errors = \ np.abs(np.power(y_term1 - term2, (1 / kappa) - 1) * np.power(y_scales, kappa - 1)) * y_scale_errors x_scale_errors = \ np.abs(np.power(x_term1 - term2, (1 / kappa) - 1) * np.power(x_scales, kappa - 1)) * x_scale_errors y_scales = np.power(y_term1 - term2, 1 / kappa) x_scales = np.power(x_term1 - term2, 1 / kappa) scales = np.sqrt(y_scales**2 + x_scales**2) scale_errors = \ np.sqrt((x_scales * x_scale_errors)**2 + (y_scales * y_scale_errors)**2) / scales return scales, scale_errors
[docs] def WidthEstimate1D(inList, method='walk-down'): ''' Find widths from spectral eigenvectors. These eigenvectors should already be normalized. Widths are defined by the location where 1/e of the maximum occurs. .. note:: If the spectral dimension is small in the given eigenvectors (i.e., their length), the 1/e level might not be reached. If this is the case, try padding the initial data cube with zeros in the spectral dimension. The effect on the results should be minimal, as the additional eigenvalues from the padding will be zero. This is especially important when using `walk-down`. .. warning:: Error estimation is not implemented for `interpolate`. Parameters ---------- inList: {list of 1D `~numpy.ndarray`s, 2D `~numpy.ndarray} List of normalized eigenvectors, or a 2D array with eigenvectors along the 2nd axis. method : {'walk-down', 'fit', 'interpolate'}, optional The width estimation method to use. The options are 'fit', 'interpolate', or 'walk-down'. `walk-down` starts at the peak, and uses a bisector to estimate where the 1/e level lies between the two nearest points. `fit` fits a Gaussian to data before the first local minimum. `interpolate` estimates the 1/e level before the first local minimum. Returns ------- scales : array The array of estimated scales with length len(inList) scale_errors : array Uncertainty estimations on the scales. ''' scales = np.zeros((inList.shape[1],)) scale_errors = np.zeros((inList.shape[1],)) for idx, y in enumerate(inList.T): x = np.fft.fftfreq(len(y)) * len(y) if method == 'interpolate': minima = argrelmin(y)[0] if minima[0] > 1: warn("Error estimation not implemented for interpolation!") interpolator = interp1d(y[0:minima[0] + 1], x[0:minima[0] + 1]) try: scales[idx] = interpolator(np.exp(-1)) except ValueError: warn("Interpolation failed.") scales[idx] = np.NaN # scale_errors[idx] = ?? elif method == 'fit': g = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=y[0], mean=[0], stddev=[10], fixed={'amplitude': True, 'mean': True}) fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() minima = argrelmin(y)[0] if minima[0] > 1: xtrans = np.abs(x)[0:minima[0]] yfit = y[0:minima[0]] else: xtrans = np.abs(x) yfit = y output = fit_g(g, xtrans, yfit) # Pull out errors from cov matrix. Stddev is the last parameter in # the list # If the fit failed, param_cov will be None. If this occurs, fill # in NaNs. if fit_g.fit_info['param_cov'] is None: warn("Fitting failed.") scales[idx] = np.NaN scale_errors[idx] = np.NaN continue errors = np.sqrt(np.abs(fit_g.fit_info['param_cov'].diagonal())) try: scales[idx] = np.abs(output.stddev.value[0]) * np.sqrt(2) except IndexError: # raised with astropy >v3.3 (current dev.) scales[idx] = np.abs(output.stddev.value) * np.sqrt(2) scale_errors[idx] = errors[-1] * np.sqrt(2) elif method == "walk-down": y /= y.max() # Starting from the first point, start walking down the curve until # 1/e is reached for i, val in enumerate(y): if val < np.exp(-1): diff = val - y[i - 1] scales[idx] = x[i - 1] + ((np.exp(-1) - y[i - 1]) / diff) # Following Heyer & Brunt scale_errors[idx] = 0.5 break if i == y.size - 1: warn("Cannot find width where the 1/e level is" " reached. Ensure the eigenspectra are " "normalized!") scale_errors[idx] = np.NaN scales[idx] = np.NaN else: raise ValueError("method must be 'walk-down', 'interpolate' or" " 'fit'.") return scales, scale_errors
def fit_2D_ellipse(pts, **bootstrap_kwargs): ''' Return ellipse widths ''' ellip = EllipseModel() try: ellip.estimate(pts) ellip.estimate_stderrs(pts, **bootstrap_kwargs) xwidth = ellip.params[2] / np.sqrt(2) ywidth = ellip.params[3] / np.sqrt(2) xwidth_err = ellip.param_errs[2] / np.sqrt(2) ywidth_err = ellip.param_errs[3] / np.sqrt(2) except ValueError: ywidth = xwidth = ywidth_err = xwidth_err = np.NaN return ywidth, xwidth, ywidth_err, xwidth_err, ellip def fit_2D_gaussian(xmat, ymat, z): ''' Return fitted model parameters ''' g = astropy_models.Gaussian2D(x_mean=[0], y_mean=[0], x_stddev=[1], y_stddev=[1], amplitude=z.max(), theta=[0], fixed={'amplitude': True, 'x_mean': True, 'y_mean': True}) + \ astropy_models.Const2D(amplitude=[np.percentile(z, 10)]) fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() output = fit_g(g, xmat, ymat, z) cov = fit_g.fit_info['param_cov'] if cov is None: warn("Fitting failed.") cov = np.zeros((4, 4)) * np.NaN return output, cov def get_contour_path(xmat, ymat, z, level, idx=0): ''' Return the contour path using matplotlib._cntr for versions <2.2. Otherwise use skimage.measure.find_contours. ''' # Get the contour in the array coordinates then map to the given xmat, ymat contours = find_contours(z, level) if len(contours) == 0: return [] # Map onto the given coordinate grids mapped_contours = [] for contour in contours: x_proj = map_coordinates(xmat, contour.T) y_proj = map_coordinates(ymat, contour.T) mapped_contours.append(np.vstack([x_proj, y_proj]).T) paths = [Path(verts) for verts in mapped_contours] return paths