Source code for turbustat.statistics.stat_moments.highstatmoments

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar
from itertools import product
import warnings

from ..stats_utils import (hellinger, kl_divergence, common_histogram_bins,
                           common_scale, padwithnans)
from ..base_statistic import BaseStatisticMixIn
from import common_types, twod_types, input_data

[docs] class StatMoments(BaseStatisticMixIn): """ Statistical Moments of an image. See Burkhart et al. (2010) for the methods used. By specifying the radius of circular mask, the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis are calculated within the circular mask for every pixel in the image. The distributions of these moments can be compared between data sets. Parameters ---------- img : %(dtypes)s 2D image. header : FITS header, optional The image header. Needed for the pixel scale. weights : %(dtypes)s 2D array of weights. Uniform weights are used if none are given. radius : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Radius of circle to use when computing moments. When angular or physical units are given, they will be rounded *down* to the nearest pixel size. nbins : array or int, optional Number of bins to use in the histogram. distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Physical distance to the region in the data. """ __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + twod_types)} def __init__(self, img, header=None, weights=None, radius=5 * u.pix, nbins=None, distance=None): super(StatMoments, self).__init__() self.input_data_header(img, header) if weights is None: self.weights = np.ones_like( else: self.weights = input_data(weights, no_header=True) if distance is not None: self.distance = distance self.radius = radius if nbins is None: self.nbins = np.sqrt( else: self.nbins = nbins self.nbins = int(self.nbins) @property def radius(self): return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): if not isinstance(value, u.Quantity): raise TypeError("radius must be an astropy.units.Quantity.") # Must be convertible to pixel scales! try: pix_rad = self._to_pixel(value) except Exception as e: raise e # The radius should be larger than a pixel if pix_rad.value < 2: raise ValueError("The chosen radius is smaller than two pixels. " "Increase the size of the radius.") # Finally, limit the radius to a maximum of half the image size. if pix_rad.value > min( / 2.: raise ValueError("The chosen radius is larger than half the image " "size. Reduce the size of the radius.") self._radius = value
[docs] def array_moments(self): ''' Moments over the entire image. ''' self.mean, self.variance, self.skewness, self.kurtosis = \ compute_moments(, self.weights)
[docs] def compute_spatial_distrib(self, radius=None, periodic=True, min_frac=0.8, show_progress=True): ''' Compute the moments over circular region with the specified radius. Parameters ---------- radius : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Override the radius size of the region. periodic : bool, optional Specify whether the boundaries can be wrapped. Default is True. min_frac : float, optional A number between 0 and 1 that sets the minimum fraction of data in each region that are finite. A value of 1.0 requires that no NaNs be in the region. show_progress : bool, optional Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix. ''' # Require the fraction to be > 0 and <=1 if min_frac <= 0.0 or min_frac > 1.: raise ValueError("min_frac must be larger than 0 and less than" "or equal to 1.") self._mean_array = np.empty( self._variance_array = np.empty( self._skewness_array = np.empty( self._kurtosis_array = np.empty( # Use the new radius when another given if radius is not None: self.radius = radius # Convert to pixels. We need this to be an integer so round down to # the nearest integer values pix_rad = np.ceil(self._to_pixel(self.radius).value).astype(int) if periodic: pad_img = np.pad(, pix_rad, mode="wrap") pad_weights = np.pad(self.weights, pix_rad, mode="wrap") else: pad_img = np.pad(, pix_rad, padwithnans) pad_weights = np.pad(self.weights, pix_rad, padwithnans) circle_mask = circular_region(pix_rad) if show_progress: bar = ProgressBar((pad_img.shape[0] - 2 * pix_rad) * (pad_img.shape[1] - 2 * pix_rad)) # Loop through every point within the non-padded shape. prod = product(range(pix_rad, pad_img.shape[0] - pix_rad), range(pix_rad, pad_img.shape[1] - pix_rad)) for n, (i, j) in enumerate(prod): img_slice = pad_img[i - pix_rad:i + pix_rad + 1, j - pix_rad:j + pix_rad + 1] wgt_slice = pad_weights[i - pix_rad:i + pix_rad + 1, j - pix_rad:j + pix_rad + 1] valid_img_frac = \ np.isfinite(img_slice).sum() / float(img_slice.size) valid_wgt_frac = \ np.isfinite(wgt_slice).sum() / float(wgt_slice.size) if valid_img_frac < min_frac or valid_wgt_frac < min_frac: self.mean_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = np.NaN self.variance_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = np.NaN self.skewness_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = np.NaN self.kurtosis_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = np.NaN else: img_slice = img_slice * circle_mask wgt_slice = wgt_slice * circle_mask moments = compute_moments(img_slice, wgt_slice) self.mean_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = moments[0] self.variance_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = moments[1] self.skewness_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = moments[2] self.kurtosis_array[i - pix_rad, j - pix_rad] = moments[3] if show_progress: bar.update(n + 1)
@property def mean_array(self): ''' The array of local means. ''' return self._mean_array @property def variance_array(self): ''' The array of local variances. ''' return self._variance_array @property def skewness_array(self): ''' The array of local skewnesss. ''' return self._skewness_array @property def kurtosis_array(self): ''' The array of local kurtosiss. ''' return self._kurtosis_array @property def mean_extrema(self): ''' The extrema of the mean array. ''' return np.nanmin(self.mean_array), np.nanmax(self.mean_array) @property def variance_extrema(self): ''' The extrema of the variance array. ''' return np.nanmin(self.variance_array), np.nanmax(self.variance_array) @property def skewness_extrema(self): ''' The extrema of the skewness array. ''' return np.nanmin(self.skewness_array), np.nanmax(self.skewness_array) @property def kurtosis_extrema(self): ''' The extrema of the kurtosis array. ''' return np.nanmin(self.kurtosis_array), np.nanmax(self.kurtosis_array)
[docs] def make_spatial_histograms(self, mean_bins=None, variance_bins=None, skewness_bins=None, kurtosis_bins=None): ''' Create histograms of the moments. If an optional set of bins is not given, :math:`\sqrt{N}` equally-size bins will be created, where :math:`N` is the number of elements in the array. The histogram values are normalized so that the sum of the values in the bins, multiplied by the bin width is 1. Parameters ---------- mean_bins : array, optional Bins to use for the histogram of the mean array. variance_bins : array, optional Bins to use for the histogram of the variance array. skewness_bins : array, optional Bins to use for the histogram of the skewness array. kurtosis_bins : array, optional Bins to use for the histogram of the kurtosis array. ''' # Mean if mean_bins is None: mean_bins = self.nbins mean_hist, edges = \ np.histogram(self.mean_array[~np.isnan(self.mean_array)], mean_bins, density=True) mean_bin_centres = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 self._mean_hist = [mean_bin_centres, mean_hist] # Variance if variance_bins is None: variance_bins = self.nbins variance_hist, edges = \ np.histogram(self.variance_array[~np.isnan(self.variance_array)], variance_bins, density=True) var_bin_centres = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 self._variance_hist = [var_bin_centres, variance_hist] # Skewness if skewness_bins is None: skewness_bins = self.nbins skewness_hist, edges = \ np.histogram(self.skewness_array[~np.isnan(self.skewness_array)], skewness_bins, density=True) skew_bin_centres = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 self._skewness_hist = [skew_bin_centres, skewness_hist] # Kurtosis if kurtosis_bins is None: kurtosis_bins = self.nbins kurtosis_hist, edges = \ np.histogram(self.kurtosis_array[~np.isnan(self.kurtosis_array)], kurtosis_bins, density=True) kurt_bin_centres = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 self._kurtosis_hist = [kurt_bin_centres, kurtosis_hist]
@property def mean_hist(self): ''' The histogram bins and values for the mean array. The first element is the array of bins, and the second contains the values. ''' return self._mean_hist @property def variance_hist(self): ''' The histogram bins and values for the variance array. The first element is the array of bins, and the second contains the values. ''' return self._variance_hist @property def skewness_hist(self): ''' The histogram bins and values for the skewness array. The first element is the array of bins, and the second contains the values. ''' return self._skewness_hist @property def kurtosis_hist(self): ''' The histogram bins and values for the kurtosis array. The first element is the array of bins, and the second contains the values. ''' return self._kurtosis_hist
[docs] def plot_histograms(self, new_figure=True, save_name=None, hist_color='r', face_color='k'): ''' Plot the histograms of each moment. Parameters ---------- new_figure : bool, optional Creates a new matplotlib figure. save_name : str, optional The filename to save the plot as. This enables saving of the plot. ''' if not hasattr(self, "mean_hist"): raise Exception("The histograms have not been computed. Run" " StatMoments.make_spatial_histograms first.") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if new_figure: plt.figure() alpha = 0.5 plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(self.mean_hist[0], self.mean_hist[1], color=hist_color) plt.fill_between(self.mean_hist[0], 0, self.mean_hist[1], facecolor=face_color, alpha=alpha) plt.xlabel("Mean") plt.ylabel("PDF") plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(self.variance_hist[0], self.variance_hist[1], color=hist_color) plt.fill_between(self.variance_hist[0], 0, self.variance_hist[1], facecolor=face_color, alpha=alpha) plt.xlabel("Variance") plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(self.skewness_hist[0], self.skewness_hist[1], color=hist_color) plt.fill_between(self.skewness_hist[0], 0, self.skewness_hist[1], facecolor=face_color, alpha=alpha) plt.xlabel("Skewness") plt.ylabel("PDF") plt.subplot(224) plt.plot(self.kurtosis_hist[0], self.kurtosis_hist[1], color=hist_color) plt.fill_between(self.kurtosis_hist[0], 0, self.kurtosis_hist[1], facecolor=face_color, alpha=alpha) plt.xlabel("Kurtosis") plt.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else:
[docs] def plot_maps(self, save_name=None, cmap='binary', contour_cmap='viridis'): ''' Plot the maps of locally-estimated moments. Parameters ---------- save_name : str, optional Save name for the figure. Enables saving the plot. cmap : {str, matplotlib colormap}, optional Colormap for the images. contour_cmap : {str, matplotlib colormap}, optional Colormap for the contours. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.subplot(221) plt.imshow(self.mean_array, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") plt.title("Mean") plt.colorbar() plt.contour(, cmap=contour_cmap) plt.subplot(222) plt.imshow(self.variance_array, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") plt.title("Variance") plt.colorbar() plt.contour(, cmap=contour_cmap) plt.subplot(223) plt.imshow(self.skewness_array, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") plt.title("Skewness") plt.colorbar() plt.contour(, cmap=contour_cmap) plt.subplot(224) plt.imshow(self.kurtosis_array, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") plt.title("Kurtosis") plt.colorbar() plt.contour(, cmap=contour_cmap) plt.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else:
[docs] def run(self, show_progress=True, verbose=False, save_name=None, radius=None, periodic=True, min_frac=0.8, **hist_kwargs): ''' Compute the entire method. Parameters ---------- show_progress : bool, optional Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix. verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. save_name : str,optional Save the figure when a file name is given. radius : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Override the radius size of the region. periodic : bool, optional Specify whether the boundaries can be wrapped. Default is True. min_frac : float, optional A number between 0 and 1 that sets the minimum fraction of data in each region that are finite. A value of 1.0 requires that no NaNs be in the region. hist_kwargs : Passed to `~StatMoments.make_spatial_histograms`. ''' self.array_moments() self.compute_spatial_distrib(periodic=periodic, radius=radius, show_progress=show_progress) self.make_spatial_histograms(**hist_kwargs) if verbose: self.plot_maps(save_name=save_name) return self
[docs] class StatMoments_Distance(object): ''' Compute the distance between two images based on their moments. The distance is calculated for the skewness and kurtosis. The distance values for each for computed using the Hellinger Distance (default), or the Kullback-Leidler Divergence. Unlike the other distance classes in TurbuStat, the computation of the histograms needed for the distance metric has been split into its own method. However, the change is fairly transparent, since it is called within distance_metric. .. note:: When passing `~StatMoments` classes as `image1` or `image2`, if the radius does not match the given radius, or the common angular radius between the two datasets, `~StatMoments.compute_spatial_distrib` will be re-run with a new radius. Parameters ---------- image1 : %(dtypes)s or `~StatMoments` 2D image. Or a `~StatMoments` class can be passed which may be pre-computed. image2 : %(dtypes)s or `~StatMoments` See `image1`. radius : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Radius of circle to use when computing moments. When given in pixel units, the radius will be adjusted such that a common *angular* scale is used between the two images, defined by whichever image has the coarser spatial grid. *This assumes the pixels can be treated as square in the celestial frame!* If an angular unit is given, there is no adjustment made. weights1 : %(dtypes)s 2D array of weights. Uniform weights are used if none are given. weights2 : %(dtypes)s 2D array of weights. Uniform weights are used if none are given. nbins : int, optional Number of bins to use when constructing histograms. periodic1 : bool, optional If image1 is periodic in the spatial boundaries, set to True. periodic2 : bool, optional If image2 is periodic in the spatial boundaries, set to True. ''' __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + twod_types)} def __init__(self, image1, image2, radius=5 * u.pix, min_frac=0.8, weights1=None, weights2=None, nbins=None, periodic1=True, periodic2=True): super(StatMoments_Distance, self).__init__() if isinstance(image1, StatMoments): self.moments1 = image1 _has_data1 = False else: image1 = input_data(image1, no_header=False) _has_data1 = True if isinstance(image2, StatMoments): self.moments2 = image2 _has_data2 = False else: image2 = input_data(image2, no_header=False) _has_data2 = True # Compute the scale so the radius is common between the two datasets if radius.unit.is_equivalent(u.pix): wcs1 = WCS(image1[1]) if _has_data1 else self.moments1._wcs wcs2 = WCS(image2[1]) if _has_data2 else self.moments2._wcs scale = common_scale(wcs1, wcs2) if scale == 1.0: radius1 = radius radius2 = radius elif scale > 1.0: radius1 = scale * radius radius2 = radius else: radius1 = radius radius2 = radius / float(scale) else: radius1 = radius radius2 = radius if nbins is None: size1 = image1[0].size if _has_data1 else size2 = image2[0].size if _has_data2 else self.nbins = _auto_nbins(size1, size2) else: self.nbins = nbins if _has_data1: self.moments1 = StatMoments(image1, radius=radius1, nbins=self.nbins, weights=weights1) needs_run = True else: needs_run = False if not hasattr(self.moments1, '_kurtosis_array'): warnings.warn("StatMoments class given as `image1` does not" " have" " skewness/kurtosis maps. Computing spatial " "distributions for `moments1`.") needs_run = True pix_rad = self.moments1._to_pixel(self.moments1.radius).value pix_rad1 = self.moments1._to_pixel(radius1).value if np.abs(pix_rad - pix_rad1) >= 1.: warnings.warn("Spatial radius differs " "between the given radius" " or common radius found by " "StatMoments_Distance. Recomputing `moments1`.") self.moments1.radius = radius1 self.moments1.nbins = nbins needs_run = True if needs_run: self.moments1.compute_spatial_distrib(periodic=periodic1, min_frac=min_frac) if _has_data2: self.moments2 = StatMoments(image2, radius=radius2, nbins=self.nbins, weights=weights2) needs_run = True else: needs_run = False if not hasattr(self.moments2, '_kurtosis_array'): warnings.warn("StatMoments class given as `image2` does not" " have" " skewness/kurtosis maps. Computing spatial " "distributions for `moments2`.") needs_run = True pix_rad = self.moments2._to_pixel(self.moments2.radius).value pix_rad2 = self.moments2._to_pixel(radius2).value if np.abs(pix_rad - pix_rad2) >= 1.: warnings.warn("Spatial radius differs between the given radius" " or common radius found by " "StatMoments_Distance. Recomputing `moments2`.") self.moments2.radius = radius2 needs_run = True if needs_run: self.moments2.compute_spatial_distrib(periodic=periodic2, min_frac=min_frac)
[docs] def create_common_histograms(self, nbins=None): ''' Calculate the histograms using a common set of bins. Only histograms of the kurtosis and skewness are calculated, since only they are used in the distance metric. Parameters ---------- nbins : int, optional Bins to use in the histogram calculation. ''' skew_bins = \ common_histogram_bins(self.moments1.skewness_array.flatten(), self.moments2.skewness_array.flatten(), nbins=self.nbins if nbins is None else nbins) kurt_bins = \ common_histogram_bins(self.moments1.kurtosis_array.flatten(), self.moments2.kurtosis_array.flatten(), nbins=self.nbins if nbins is None else nbins) self.moments1.make_spatial_histograms(skewness_bins=skew_bins, kurtosis_bins=kurt_bins) self.moments2.make_spatial_histograms(skewness_bins=skew_bins, kurtosis_bins=kurt_bins)
[docs] def distance_metric(self, verbose=False, nbins=None, plot_kwargs1={'color': 'b', 'label': '1'}, plot_kwargs2={'color': 'g', 'label': '2'}, save_name=None): ''' Compute the distance. Parameters ---------- metric : 'Hellinger' (default) or "KL Divergence", optional Set the metric to use compare the histograms. verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. nbins : int, optional Bins to use in the histogram calculation. label1 : str, optional Object or region name for image1 label2 : str, optional Object or region name for image2 save_name : str,optional Save the figure when a file name is given. ''' self.create_common_histograms(nbins=nbins) kurt_bw = np.diff(self.moments1.kurtosis_hist[0])[0] self.kurtosis_distance = hellinger(self.moments1.kurtosis_hist[1], self.moments2.kurtosis_hist[1], bin_width=kurt_bw) skew_bw = np.diff(self.moments1.skewness_hist[0])[0] self.skewness_distance = hellinger(self.moments1.skewness_hist[1], self.moments2.skewness_hist[1], bin_width=skew_bw) if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt defaults1 = {'color': 'b', 'label': '1'} defaults2 = {'color': 'g', 'label': '2'} for key in defaults1: if key not in plot_kwargs1: plot_kwargs1[key] = defaults1[key] for key in defaults2: if key not in plot_kwargs2: plot_kwargs2[key] = defaults2[key] plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(self.moments1.kurtosis_hist[0], self.moments1.kurtosis_hist[1], plot_kwargs1['color'], label=plot_kwargs1['label']) plt.plot(self.moments2.kurtosis_hist[0], self.moments2.kurtosis_hist[1], plot_kwargs2['color'], label=plot_kwargs2['label']) plt.fill(self.moments1.kurtosis_hist[0], self.moments1.kurtosis_hist[1], plot_kwargs1['color'], self.moments2.kurtosis_hist[0], self.moments2.kurtosis_hist[1], plot_kwargs2['color'], alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel("Kurtosis") plt.ylabel("PDF") plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(self.moments1.skewness_hist[0], self.moments1.skewness_hist[1], plot_kwargs1['color'], label=plot_kwargs1['label']) plt.plot(self.moments2.skewness_hist[0], self.moments2.skewness_hist[1], plot_kwargs2['color'], label=plot_kwargs2['label']) plt.fill(self.moments1.skewness_hist[0], self.moments1.skewness_hist[1], plot_kwargs1['color'], self.moments2.skewness_hist[0], self.moments2.skewness_hist[1], plot_kwargs2['color'], alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel("Skewness") plt.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else: return self
def circular_region(radius): ''' Create a circular region with nans outside the radius. ''' xx, yy = np.mgrid[-radius:radius + 1, -radius:radius + 1] circle = xx ** 2. + yy ** 2. circle = circle < radius ** 2. circle = circle.astype(float) circle[np.where(circle == 0.)] = np.NaN return circle def compute_moments(img, weights): ''' Compute the moments of the given image. Parameters ---------- img : numpy.ndarray 2D image. weights : numpy.ndarray 2D weight image. Returns ------- mean : float The 1st moment. variance : float The 2nd moment. skewness : float The 3rd moment. kurtosis : float The 4th moment. ''' mean = np.nansum(img * weights) / np.nansum(weights) variance = np.nansum(weights * (img - mean) ** 2.) / np.nansum(weights) std = np.sqrt(variance) skewness = np.nansum(weights * ((img - mean) / std) ** 3.) / \ np.nansum(weights) kurtosis = np.nansum(weights * ((img - mean) / std) ** 4.) / \ np.nansum(weights) - 3 return mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis def _auto_nbins(size1, size2): ''' Set bins to the sqrt of the smaller size. ''' return int(np.sqrt(min(size1, size2)))